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File 145552427672.jpg - (173.36KB , 821x513 , Title Page for Draw Thread.jpg )
29289 No. 29289 ID: 2c322d
Here's a Draw Thread to prove I'm self insert.
Expand all images
No. 29294 ID: 2c322d
File 145558395513.jpg - (174.28KB , 821x569 , tg-chan.jpg )
I occasionally go by Radio-chan.
No. 29296 ID: 2c322d
File 145558796919.jpg - (72.75KB , 573x607 , Hot Girl Sketch.jpg )
Preliminary Sketch for a design I'm doing.
No. 29326 ID: 2c322d
File 145595837937.jpg - (2.36MB , 1285x1773 , Connor Sketch.jpg )
Stupid Weeb Sketches of my characters cuz I can.
No. 29341 ID: 2c322d
File 145611717824.jpg - (73.55KB , 847x960 , New Art.jpg )
Character design that I'm thinking of using for 'Television.'

Yes I'm still working on that.
No. 29696 ID: 2c322d
File 145898440914.png - (60.27KB , 694x576 , This is a sketttttch.png )
Enjoy this sweet sweet sketch my children.
No. 29697 ID: 2c322d
File 145900175887.png - (20.15KB , 694x576 , I drew a thinnnnnng.png )
I ended up using a drawing by Fractal as a color reference, so that's why the colors are cool.
No. 29910 ID: 2c322d
File 146079089139.png - (73.92KB , 1224x792 , Pity Party.png )
Some art inspired by Pity Party.
No. 30061 ID: 2c322d
File 146248417027.jpg - (369.27KB , 569x821 , Finals are Over.jpg )
Finals week is almost over.
No. 35587 ID: 1060e6
File 150407920821.gif - (337.78KB , 512x512 , PASTEL-BOY-GIF.gif )
Oh wow I haven't been in this thread in awhile. Huh. I should probably show how I draw now.

Here have a gif I made.

Tis the curse known as 'This is how I interpreted noses.'
No. 38661 ID: d1fa83
File 152471468827.png - (12.86KB , 500x500 , ME .png )
It's weird when I don't come back to this thread in a long time, and I see the evolution of how I used to draw, lol.

Anyways, have a new self portrait.
No. 38723 ID: d1fa83
File 152524689497.png - (14.91KB , 500x500 , Portrait.png )
Have a girl for your thoughts.
No. 38780 ID: 71e795
no need to be a dick about other people's work, Cmon
No. 38790 ID: d1fa83
File 152576591283.png - (33.12KB , 1000x1000 , wow.png )

Aw I appreciate it. I think it's all in good fun tho, so no big deal.

Have a weird horned kid I drew!
No. 38823 ID: d1fa83
File 152592588131.png - (9.98KB , 500x500 , Thoriwng Trinket.png )
So I'm doing some requests in chat right now and someone said 'trinket for throwing' so I'm doing that now.

This is terrible but at least I'm making something.
No. 38824 ID: d1fa83
File 152592828783.png - (148.92KB , 500x500 , Mysterious Hunter Girl.png )
Part two of my drawing request thing.

I have no idea what her name is but apparently she's from a quest and I think her haircut is cute.
No. 38825 ID: 33cbe7
That's Moriko 'Use a bigger hammer' Aritawa from Dungeoneer.
No. 38826 ID: d1fa83
File 152592956447.png - (94.80KB , 500x500 , kLISS.png )
This is Kliss the Slissa, which proves that I can't draw non-humans worth a shit.
No. 46981 ID: a70a13
File 164412395136.png - (21.04MB , 3000x3000 , Sick Fuck final.png )
So in other news I HAVE improved in the past couple years since I posted....whatever some of this stuff is, lol.
No. 46982 ID: a70a13
File 164412946423.png - (18.85MB , 3000x3750 , Bad Bad Things.png )
Also I just like this drawing, lol
No. 46984 ID: 93ba79
Nice. And weird, too.
No. 46989 ID: a70a13
File 164426126969.gif - (1.47MB , 3000x3000 , Connor's-First-Gif-in-Awhile.gif )
Lol Thanks, that's honestly a big compliment.

Made this gif a hot minute ago.
No. 47076 ID: a70a13
File 164662736258.png - (11.93MB , 3000x4500 , hellsion commission.png )
First time doing porn. T'was a commission from the great Gnolla in the sky, praise be.
No. 47316 ID: a70a13
File 165412698972.png - (17.79MB , 3000x3000 , Girl and the Road FINAL.png )
Concrete roaaaaaads, everywhere I gooooooo
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