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File 141097192828.jpg - (128.14KB , 800x600 , Sammi Concept 1.jpg )
24700 No. 24700 ID: 3009b4
Hopefully less crap. I've been working on character concepts. This one is Sammi. I've not decided on the colours yet, but I like the overall concept.

Sammi is a "Bit" -- a Rollien. Since she'd older than Nem parts of her quest might get more NSFW. I haven't decided yet.
Expand all images
No. 24725 ID: 3009b4
File 141116780660.jpg - (189.06KB , 800x600 , Modern Nem Concept.jpg )
A rough concept of what a 'modern' Nem might look like.
No. 24737 ID: 3009b4
File 141127772112.jpg - (185.92KB , 800x600 , Pan.jpg )
Would you quest with this chick?
No. 24739 ID: 1f8505

Not me personally, but I think Sarah would.
No. 24746 ID: 3009b4
File 141135847738.jpg - (108.50KB , 800x600 , Pan Concept 2.jpg )
Concept for Pan.
No. 24747 ID: 3009b4
File 141136343332.jpg - (202.59KB , 800x600 , Pan Concept 3.jpg )
Yet another Pan concept.
No. 24748 ID: 3009b4
File 141136362310.jpg - (201.86KB , 800x600 , Pan Concept 3b.jpg )
Slightly darker hair
No. 24749 ID: d8a627
So, is Pan's quest gonna be like Nemain's, only with less action more smut?

That sounds absolutely wrong, now that I've typed it out. I'm hoping that even if it does contain a bit of smut, it still keeps story and action. I'll just have to wait and see what you bring about, though.
No. 24752 ID: 3009b4
>So, is Pan's quest gonna be like Nemain's, only with less action more smut?
>That sounds absolutely wrong, now that I've typed it out. I'm hoping that even if it does contain a bit of smut, it still keeps story and action. I'll just have to wait and see what you bring about, though.

Actually Pan's Quest can be completed totally without smut. There are a lot of layers, symbolism and secrets. Just no threat of death.
No. 24765 ID: 3009b4
File 141153056549.jpg - (256.81KB , 800x600 , Six Concept.jpg )
Here is a concept for a potential watch of Pan.
Slight NSFW
No. 24903 ID: 3009b4
File 141278612933.jpg - (170.12KB , 800x1000 , Nem Walking f120141008.jpg )
So here's a conceptual of Nem walking forwards. I'm not an animator so we'll just see how these basic frames turn out.
No. 25226 ID: 3009b4
File 141460231228.jpg - (151.82KB , 802x660 , someone asked for kobold.jpg )
Someone asked for a kobold on stage with a top hat & cane. I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with this kobold design.
No. 25227 ID: 3009b4
File 141460246047.jpg - (287.15KB , 600x587 , Nortons Tiny Grad Hat 600.jpg )
Also my cat in a tiny hat.
No. 25232 ID: 3009b4
File 141464084633.jpg - (192.77KB , 432x600 , Norton_Upsidedown_432x600.jpg )
No. 25233 ID: 3009b4
File 141464086545.jpg - (47.67KB , 184x184 , Pay Attention To Me.jpg )
This is why sometimes work doesn't get done.
No. 25574 ID: 3009b4
File 141754784744.gif - (466.92KB , 800x600 , nemacebw1.gif )
Nem's transformation sequence! This will be showing up in the quest pretty soon but I wanted to preview it to anyone who wanted to see it.

Best viewed while this is in the background:
No. 25591 ID: 1f8505

No. 25595 ID: 01745f
That was my reaction too. NEM SMASH PUNY REDCAP!
No. 25640 ID: 3009b4
File 141819494695.jpg - (444.83KB , 800x600 , Samis Quest Title.jpg )
Sami Quest rough title

One possible title for Sami's Quest.
No. 25641 ID: 3009b4
File 141819570337.jpg - (450.64KB , 800x600 , Samis Quest TitleB.jpg )
It was suggested I make the title bigger.
No. 26121 ID: 3009b4
File 142096191011.jpg - (425.96KB , 640x720 , Nem Quest Test1.jpg )
Rough art to get a feel for Nem's Quest, the game.
No. 26173 ID: 3009b4
File 142145285256.jpg - (82.20KB , 640x944 , Nem Conceptual.jpg )
I realize I need to work more on my Nem sketches since I was never very consistent on the quest. I figure I can get feedback on her figure and proportions first since I'm going to be changing her clothes and cape style for the game.
No. 26174 ID: 3009b4
File 142145401492.jpg - (83.17KB , 640x944 , Nem Conceptual mod1.jpg )
Corrected arm length. Damn, been too long since I've done life drawing!
No. 26175 ID: 3009b4
File 142145515370.jpg - (84.67KB , 640x944 , Nem Conceptual mod2.jpg )
Uuuuuugh goat people are hard.
No. 26176 ID: 3009b4
File 142145622867.jpg - (93.56KB , 640x944 , Nem Conceptual mod3.jpg )
Maybe her upper legs were too long?
No. 26177 ID: 3009b4
File 142145769472.jpg - (99.00KB , 640x944 , Nem Conceptual mod 4.jpg )
At this rate I'm considering starting over from scratch.
No. 26178 ID: e89427
Put a giant penis on it and call it a day.
No. 26179 ID: 3009b4
File 142146813647.jpg - (136.25KB , 640x720 , More Nem 2.jpg )
Nem is going to kill me.
No. 26181 ID: 687279
Yes, good.
No. 26252 ID: 3009b4
File 142216051017.jpg - (258.59KB , 640x720 , Detective Macha.jpg )
Detective Macha, I presume?
No. 26253 ID: 1f8505

Definitely of the hard-boiled type.
No. 26300 ID: 3009b4
File 142286073951.jpg - (111.84KB , 640x720 , Nem and Rekki.jpg )
Playing around with Nem & Rekki concepts.
No. 26378 ID: 3009b4
File 142398732934.jpg - (216.05KB , 640x720 , VDayNem.jpg )
a Valentine's day picture of Nem.
No. 26406 ID: 3009b4
File 142441146204.jpg - (549.54KB , 640x720 , Adventures of Nem teaser.jpg )
A little teaser for Nem's next adventure.
No. 26470 ID: 3009b4
File 142519702308.jpg - (116.91KB , 640x720 , Another Nem Sketch.jpg )
A quickie Modern Nem sketch
No. 26527 ID: 3009b4
File 142604601956.jpg - (114.75KB , 640x720 , Modern Sami.jpg )
I'm tired and I don't know if I'll do anything more with this sketch of Modern Sami.
No. 26879 ID: 3009b4
File 143068303007.jpg - (145.46KB , 640x720 , Nems Mom Concepts.jpg )
Concept for Nem's mom.
No. 27102 ID: 3009b4
File 143287115689.png - (379.19KB , 640x720 , Modern Nem Concept.png )
Is my stuff even worth a shit anymore?
No. 27103 ID: 4754ce
I like your stuff.
No. 27104 ID: b9cef6
Better than what I can do, and some people seem to consider my stuff worth a shit.
So yes. Worth more than a shit! I won't go so far as to say people would give a rat's ass for it, but worth at least 2.5 shits.
No. 27135 ID: 1f8505

Yes, absolutely. Keep drawing, damn you!
No. 27136 ID: a19cd5
yes. you've improved a fair deal since you got here. keep going.
No. 27152 ID: 3009b4
File 143331075130.jpg - (191.41KB , 640x720 , Sami Template test.jpg )
This is a work in progress of Sami's new adventure template.
No. 27495 ID: 3009b4
File 143572356517.jpg - (290.81KB , 640x720 , Some asked for Macha punching dicks.jpg )
Someone asked for Macha punching dicks.
No. 27529 ID: 3009b4
File 143580427025.jpg - (188.84KB , 640x720 , Pan Template.jpg )
Roughing up concepts for Pan for Grind.
No. 27722 ID: 3009b4
File 143838854703.jpg - (243.15KB , 690x897 , Sami_Zoey.jpg )
Working on one of Sami's alter ego, Zoey. I'm not sure if she'll be in the final version due to re-write but I might use her in Coffee Quest
No. 27742 ID: 3009b4
File 143857564094.jpg - (266.37KB , 640x720 , Modern Nem Quickie Sketch.jpg )
Anon44 asked for this during a stream. Done very quickly and without any references. I haven't taken a good look on how panties are worn in awhile and I think the picture is off as a result.
No. 27750 ID: 3009b4
File 143873522913.jpg - (76.18KB , 640x720 , stream_request.jpg )
This is a Stream request from Heimdall. He wanted his character to look terrified while trying to not look terrified.
No. 27756 ID: 3009b4
File 143875531503.jpg - (196.56KB , 640x720 , Little Sami.jpg )
Stream post -- Little Sami!
No. 27757 ID: 3009b4
File 143875549805.jpg - (259.32KB , 690x897 , Zoey_V1.jpg )
I also did Zoey but messed up the layers.
No. 27768 ID: 3009b4
File 143882454297.jpg - (380.10KB , 640x720 , Grace v Macha.jpg )
A drawing from a stream I'm not happy with for Cragum.
No. 27769 ID: 3009b4
File 143882456479.jpg - (123.55KB , 640x720 , Shiggy Diggy.jpg )
Another item streamed for Heimdall
No. 27773 ID: 3009b4
File 143900659018.jpg - (76.19KB , 640x720 , Skully in CQ.jpg )
Trying to decide if the player should be human or not in coffee quest.
No. 27774 ID: 3009b4
File 143900899475.jpg - (171.77KB , 833x720 , Skully in CQ2.jpg )
So I went with the Imp version by popular request.
No. 27816 ID: 1f8505

Yes to human peoples.
No. 27825 ID: 3009b4
File 143943214135.jpg - (0.97MB , 1914x1146 , colour selection.jpg )
So I'm wondering which version of imp Molly I should use.
No. 27828 ID: b9cef6
I vote either two, or one with a change in the color of her dress. Something darker.
No. 27863 ID: 3009b4
File 143952987372.jpg - (107.26KB , 640x720 , Mad Sami.jpg )
Riot asked for Mad Max Sami
No. 27864 ID: 3009b4
File 143953172359.jpg - (154.16KB , 640x720 , Mad Nem.jpg )
Hey kids! Mad Max version of Nem is a cannibalistic mutant called The Quiet One! But don't worry, she only preys on unsuspecting baddies like Lord Humongous.
No. 27865 ID: 3009b4
File 143953596776.jpg - (143.04KB , 640x720 , help Anon.jpg )
Helping ANon44 with breast movement, although 'm hardly an expert
No. 27936 ID: 3009b4
File 144040359406.jpg - (545.66KB , 640x720 , My God What Did I Do.jpg )
OK so I looked back at what I did when I was 10-14 when it came to characters.

And I remember them.

Spike Von Skratchenpost, who was an 80's brawler with piledrivers and an explosive-based super-punch that took a lot of wind-up (I thought in terms of Streetfighter 2 moves). Very, very 80's. I combined Rambo with Double Dragon. Spike had issues 'cause he had a dog's name.

Kitty McMillion, who was a ninja lawyer who realized that she was a mook and that her only chance of not being killed off like everyone else in her clan was to go hero. She could shoot lighting, but it took some ninja-magic gestures first. I stole her look from the red ninja android in "Ninja Warriors" I chose ninja-lawyer because I thought it'd be far scarier than a regular ninja. Kitty's clan turned on her.

Together... they fought crime! Sam & Max style, replacing guns with punching things. And beating up Kitty's ninja clan.

I would draw my friends and turn them into super-heroes but I hated the way I looked so I'd never put myself in anything. I remember Kelly Rooney the most 'cause she was a pretty, freckled and fun-loving red-head and I kept her character's design for longer than anyone else's.

I never made a "Preston".
No. 28189 ID: 3009b4
File 144358978151.jpg - (227.24KB , 640x720 , Amy v1000c.jpg )
Amy in full colour. You guys better look after her, I'm getting attached.
No. 28194 ID: 3009b4
File 144367633388.jpg - (53.63KB , 260x263 , Nem Concept Head.jpg )
Trying an entirely different inking style and I'm not sure about it. What do y'all think?
No. 28195 ID: 1f8505

I like it.
No. 28197 ID: 39f669
The hair definitely looks better.
No. 28213 ID: 3009b4
File 144375520910.jpg - (85.08KB , 474x279 , Gah which one.jpg )
I don't know which one I like better.
No. 28345 ID: 3009b4
File 144494686654.jpg - (324.94KB , 640x720 , I dont know.jpg )
I don't know.
No. 28379 ID: 3009b4
File 144531824890.jpg - (145.65KB , 640x720 , Robogirl.jpg )
Robogirl, as requested by Riotmode.
"Janky but cute robogirl with holographic clothing"
No. 28380 ID: 3009b4
File 144532231177.gif - (238.61KB , 291x704 , Molly Walk North Test.gif )
Some asked
No. 28393 ID: 3009b4
File 144558364340.jpg - (172.82KB , 640x799 , Riot asked for a monster.jpg )
Work in progress.
No. 28394 ID: 3009b4
File 144558482209.jpg - (329.88KB , 640x799 , Riot asked for a monster2.jpg )
Getting more and more NSFW and weird.
No. 28395 ID: 3009b4
File 144558617980.jpg - (312.31KB , 640x799 , Riot asked for a monster with rough clothes.jpg )
I added rough clothing approx.
No. 28396 ID: 3009b4
File 144558858182.jpg - (277.49KB , 640x720 , quick medic monster.jpg )
Real quick concept for Medic
No. 28397 ID: 3009b4
Medic said was too scary so I will redo as tiny cute cloud monster girl later.
No. 28399 ID: 3009b4
File 144564670299.jpg - (467.01KB , 966x925 , Rain Cloud Girl for Medic V2.jpg )
Not sure if any better.
BUt I still think the Rain wants Medic to give her the D.
No. 28430 ID: 3009b4
File 144585265723.jpg - (218.42KB , 640x720 , Limebirthday.jpg )
For LimeBreaker birthday. NSFW
No. 28451 ID: 2f4b71
Arms usually swing forward in sync with the opposite leg, not the adjacent one.
No. 28474 ID: 3009b4
File 144633490549.jpg - (270.65KB , 501x800 , JackOLatern2015.jpg )
My mom has arthritis so she has me carve the pumpkin. I hope I came close.
No. 28858 ID: 3009b4
File 144987699222.jpg - (228.53KB , 640x720 , Basic Power Pixie Scary Concept.jpg )
So this is a basic concept of one of the "Power Pixies" that will show up in Nem's world. This one's "Scary Pixie"
No. 28859 ID: 3009b4
File 144987819964.jpg - (206.83KB , 640x720 , Basic Power Pixie Scary Concept2.jpg )
Made adjustments based on feedback
No. 28860 ID: 3009b4
File 144987858308.jpg - (206.73KB , 640x720 , Basic Power Pixie Scary Concept3.jpg )
Noticed that the style I'm trying to mimic seems to hate chins on girls so I really reduced it and it seems to work.
No. 28862 ID: 3009b4
File 144988917515.jpg - (220.57KB , 450x800 , payback on Norton.jpg )
Norton was bad.
No. 28876 ID: 2eeb65
>Smik's Drawings and Crap
I see a lot of Smik's drawings, but no crap
No. 28879 ID: 3009b4
File 145003798447.jpg - (162.07KB , 640x720 , Posh Power Pixe sketch.jpg )
Concept for Posh Pixie for the Power Pixies show-within-a-show in Nem's Quest.
No. 28885 ID: 1f8505

So where is Scary Pixie, Baby Pixie, Sporty Pixie, and Ginger Pixie?
No. 28903 ID: 3009b4
File 145030448001.jpg - (111.88KB , 877x552 , HastingNoticedMe.jpg )
No. 29042 ID: 3009b4
File 145214960856.jpg - (133.03KB , 1037x655 , Anon44Birthday.jpg )
Birthday picture for Anon44 featuring Nem & Sarah in sweaters & striped panties.
No. 29075 ID: 3009b4
File 145264289499.jpg - (117.27KB , 640x720 , Aoife Concept.jpg )
Rough concept of Nem's mom when she was her age.
No. 29169 ID: 3009b4
File 145394148935.jpg - (153.15KB , 640x938 , goblin.jpg )
Just messing around scribbling. Goblins were discussed so this was one of my old designs. NSFW
No. 29256 ID: 3009b4
File 145498539760.png - (257.44KB , 640x720 , Tiefling for Evashark onwhite.png )
Tiefling for Eveashark - on White paper
No. 29257 ID: 3009b4
File 145498541293.png - (182.48KB , 640x720 , Tiefling for Evashark nobk.png )
Same thing, no background.
No. 29533 ID: 3009b4
File 145777653926.jpg - (202.28KB , 640x931 , Nem in Cherry Dress.jpg )
Just a rough
No. 29719 ID: 3009b4
File 145919599649.jpg - (406.42KB , 777x1117 , BonnieConcept1.jpg )
So this is a rough concept of the Bridgekeeper for a game concept I'm working on.
No. 29720 ID: 3009b4
File 145919601879.png - (68.19KB , 204x255 , Bonnie_Test2.png )
In-game she'd get shrunk to this resolution because RPG Maker.
No. 29740 ID: 3009b4
File 145938893145.jpg - (326.07KB , 870x857 , thigh_test.jpg )
Does this count for thigh?
No. 29744 ID: 3009b4
File 145948660498.jpg - (54.00KB , 344x254 , BonnieConcept2.jpg )
Face test for the bridge guard.
No. 29770 ID: 3009b4
File 145975192556.jpg - (307.14KB , 820x865 , PlasticSunMonster.jpg )
The rough up of PlasticSun's custom monster girl. It is NSFW.
No. 29986 ID: 3009b4
File 146130720259.jpg - (482.71KB , 640x720 , NemsPornCollection1.jpg )
A concept naughty book cover from Nem's secret porn stash.
No. 29988 ID: 3009b4
File 146139567646.jpg - (301.62KB , 640x720 , MustBreakAnon44.jpg )
I did a fan art of one of Anon44's works.
No. 30072 ID: 3009b4
File 146252141581.jpg - (199.76KB , 640x720 , NemStream.jpg )
So here's a Nem from my stream, as requested by Anon44.
No. 30092 ID: 3009b4
File 146303408653.jpg - (262.78KB , 640x720 , NemStream2.jpg )
I did a rough stream with Space Nem at Anon44's request.
No. 30110 ID: 3009b4
File 146328508779.jpg - (361.18KB , 640x720 , ShifterMonster.jpg )
NSFW: Shifter55's Monster Person.
No. 30193 ID: 3009b4
File 146415361872.jpg - (169.32KB , 640x720 , MoreNem.jpg )
Another Nem conceptual rough.
No. 30202 ID: 3009b4
File 146423385423.jpg - (632.84KB , 732x850 , BaraMonster.jpg )
Baratop's monster. NSFW
No. 30298 ID: 3009b4
File 146533509125.jpg - (413.25KB , 943x1061 , Nem Stream 20160607.jpg )
Just practicing.
No. 30613 ID: 3009b4
File 146861982522.jpg - (346.91KB , 640x720 , ChestDayNem16.jpg )
Chest Day 2016 Nem, modeled after a Sophia Loren pose.
No. 32611 ID: e136ae
File 148358531523.jpg - (259.11KB , 740x915 , BirthdayNemForAnon44a.jpg )
Happy Birthday to Anon44!
No. 32972 ID: e136ae
File 148661807318.jpg - (397.23KB , 640x720 , ContestantTwo.jpg )
Tee hee
No. 32974 ID: e136ae
File 148662418318.jpg - (249.62KB , 640x720 , Zome.jpg )
Rough of Zome, 3rd contestant
No. 32975 ID: e136ae
File 148662631783.jpg - (237.60KB , 640x720 , Zome2p1.jpg )
Made some adjustments from chat suggestions
No. 32980 ID: e136ae
File 148670393761.jpg - (65.73KB , 640x720 , Kerikronk1.jpg )
No. 32981 ID: 7b7ab3
No. 32982 ID: e136ae
File 148670735203.jpg - (269.23KB , 640x720 , Kraze Rough.jpg )
Trying to rough up a dark and gritty, super-manly Kraze.
No. 32983 ID: e136ae
File 148670739166.jpg - (282.28KB , 640x720 , Kraze Rough Verbal Tick.jpg )
With a verbal tick.
No. 32984 ID: e136ae
File 148670769930.jpg - (260.04KB , 640x720 , kraze no shadow.jpg )
No. 32985 ID: e136ae
File 148670995217.jpg - (59.85KB , 640x720 , Kronk Style Nem.jpg )
Kronk style Nem
No. 32987 ID: e136ae
File 148678857727.jpg - (67.65KB , 640x720 , Zome Style Nem.jpg )
Zome style (Tex Avery attempt) Nem
No. 33004 ID: e136ae
File 148696021013.jpg - (100.05KB , 640x720 , Zome1.jpg )
This is Zome done with some Tex Avery elements as well as being too medicated due to gout or something to give much of a crap right now.
No. 33016 ID: e136ae
File 148703540020.jpg - (131.29KB , 640x720 , Kraze1.jpg )
New Kraze.
No. 33017 ID: e136ae
File 148703798685.jpg - (95.55KB , 640x720 , Kraze Style Nem.jpg )
Kraze style Nem
No. 33079 ID: e136ae
File 148732120042.jpg - (332.62KB , 640x720 , thisisbadandifeelbad.jpg )
it's bad and I feel bad don't look it's terrible
No. 33517 ID: e136ae
File 149104580597.jpg - (557.11KB , 1542x1302 , ArtistRipOffMeme_RowDonePlusOne.jpg )
Imgur being stupid.
No. 33695 ID: e136ae
File 149236841414.jpg - (178.70KB , 640x720 , CoxKittyCrossover.jpg )
Wasn't sure where else to put this.
No. 33696 ID: e136ae
File 149236939568.jpg - (140.44KB , 640x720 , CoxSpikeCrossover.jpg )
My Coxwette style Spike and my attempt at Susanna need a lot of work.
No. 33733 ID: e136ae
File 149260770322.jpg - (202.02KB , 640x720 , DeemPimpsHin.jpg )
From IRC Chat:

Arhra: We should sell Hin hugs to raise funds.
Abeo: I'm certain it would be a profitable venture

They have LOTS of cash money!
Therefore Nem has looted lots of cash money!
No. 34228 ID: e136ae
File 149626461247.jpg - (118.18KB , 640x720 , Ep3Reward.jpg )
Drafting up the lewd reward for Date 3
No. 34244 ID: e136ae
File 149638343334.jpg - (184.62KB , 640x720 , Razzlewd.jpg )
Someone requested Razzay Lewd. This is how she masturbates.
No. 34248 ID: e136ae
File 149642439526.jpg - (181.35KB , 640x720 , RazzayTitle.jpg )
Working on a Title for Razzay Quest
No. 34249 ID: e136ae
File 149643029866.jpg - (72.08KB , 640x720 , SamiEpiloge3gah.jpg )
Gah something is off
No. 34255 ID: e136ae
File 149647471285.jpg - (1.26MB , 2240x1484 , RazzayCharacterSheet1.jpg )
Working on Razzay sheet.
No. 34256 ID: 3abd97
Are you experimenting with what height you want her to have, or does she magically size change for fun.
No. 34258 ID: e136ae
File 149651869004.jpg - (347.92KB , 1024x768 , RazzayCharacter2.jpg )
Experimenting with her height.
This is experimenting with her boob size, although she DOES have spells to enhance knockers.
No. 34269 ID: e136ae
File 149658478052.jpg - (255.05KB , 640x720 , Which to use.jpg )
Still not decided on the eventual style; how I handle Razzay will impact the rest of the quest.
No. 34353 ID: e136ae
File 149688369648.jpg - (211.67KB , 640x720 , RazzayQuestTitle.jpg )
Working on a title card for Razzay's Quest
No. 34471 ID: e136ae
File 149768517895.jpg - (135.36KB , 640x720 , RQ_Judging.jpg )
No. 35102 ID: e136ae
File 150139841754.jpg - (51.96KB , 640x720 , RazzayLube.jpg )
Anon44 said he needed this.
No. 35278 ID: e136ae
File 150226667483.jpg - (459.75KB , 1184x720 , BeachDayNemGroupFlats.jpg )
Group shot of Beach Day.
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