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File 138788175424.png - (12.78KB , 716x564 , knight.png )
21563 No. 21563 ID: 233fdf

A general drawthread where I'll be displaying various TG fanarts, smut, and general drawfaggotry.

Hope to see you there! ;)
197 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 23978 ID: 59295a
File 140586022090.jpg - (53.52KB , 600x600 , Kensu- wait a minute.jpg )

Oken in her standard issue battle ar- eh! THAT'S NOT STANDARD ISSUE!!
No. 23980 ID: 9dd1ee

Ace Ninja Oken!

Kensu is gonna be mad that Oken took her clothes!
No. 23992 ID: 59295a
File 140605821327.jpg - (52.06KB , 600x600 , Balls.jpg )

Been feeling a bit art blocky lately. Drawing in other peoples styles tends to cure that for me.
No. 24001 ID: 59295a
File 140608730953.jpg - (38.27KB , 400x700 , Voax.jpg )

More stranner oc Voax.
No. 24098 ID: 59295a
File 140679791147.jpg - (70.58KB , 576x720 , LagoArcher.jpg )


It's been a while since I've did some digital stuff. Sketched a bit to get back into the speed of things.
No. 24133 ID: 59295a
File 140697122867.jpg - (44.84KB , 432x504 , RatMerchant.jpg )

Feelin' dumpy, g.
No. 24144 ID: 59295a
File 140698754757.jpg - (38.79KB , 360x432 , Chestcat.jpg )

ppfffbbt. Postin' this here.
No. 24153 ID: 59295a
File 140703657059.jpg - (65.83KB , 576x720 , Hugmecomrade.jpg )

Such a platonic, loving embrace epitomizes Astranian camaraderie and kinship. In this moment these two shine with all the values and dreams that our alliance has built itself upon.

Haven't done any fanart in a while.

Also tall Oken.
No. 24154 ID: 59295a

I also like to think Zane is making a very awkward apology.
No. 24156 ID: 9dd1ee

so cute! Oken however doesn't seem entirely comfortable with the situation . . .
No. 24189 ID: 59295a
File 140732588542.jpg - (74.00KB , 400x600 , Asnia Swollken.jpg )

Somewhere in an alternate universe, Oken stands proudly having completed her space marine training, top less of course.
No. 24190 ID: 59295a

Some say she has the tightest butt in the Alliance.
No. 24191 ID: 9dd1ee

ain't nobody gonna call her "tinydeer" now
No. 24205 ID: 59295a

Whew! I feel like it's been ages since I've done requests.

THAT'S RIGHT! I am once again accepting requests. So, rev up those creation engines of yours and give me something to draw.

As per usual, the rules are simple:
1. No dirty, dirty, gross ass fetishistic requests.

You know the ones where some help less, cute, little shawty is going about her business and she becomes utterly humiliated because, y'know, for whatever reason she just SOMEHOW loses her clothes.
Like, I don't know, maybe she specialty ordered some Astranian brand clothing, and her sweater just bursts into scraps if it so much as gets caught on a nail, god forbid. You'd think that they make that stuff from paper or some shit?

AND Ultimately, I'm the final filter, so I'll handle whatever I overlooked by not posting it in the rules. And because there will be bias on my part. I apologize.

Also, I recommend requesting TG related content, because I like that.

(What I said about the whole girls being stripped, and subsequently being humiliated, I WASN'T KIDDING. But, fo' real, tho, I'm kidding about that, you depraved bastards.)

(Really tho, I'm totally okay with that. Y'know if you're some sick-o who is into that sort of thing, sure, I'll draw it.)
No. 24206 ID: 9dd1ee

so mean . . .
No. 24208 ID: 59295a

Don't worry, man. I know you're not one of those guys. >.>
No. 24212 ID: 265534

Draw Yrr'a and Nako boob wrestling to determine boob dominance. Radial doesn't know what I mean by this, but I'm sure you are a man of vision.
No. 24213 ID: 4754ce

Draw Pyan doing something lewd involving dildos.

Pyan is the batstranian with eye problems.
No. 24219 ID: dc4b80


Hmm now I want to see a comic with Oken getting molested by a tentacled tech leech but it never takes her clothes off. Just lots of suggestive bulges under her clothes and pornographic facial expressions.
No. 24223 ID: 59295a
File 140750885237.jpg - (222.24KB , 1000x900 , WWE.jpg )

Whew! I finally found the time to do this. I hope these are the right characters. >.>
No. 24229 ID: 795da4

The great people of tropico demand

gnoll panties
No. 24230 ID: 265534

I knew I could count on you.
No. 24236 ID: 59295a
File 140759641863.jpg - (1.23MB , 1800x3150 , PyanDildoss.jpg )

Tried to be a bit unorthodox.
Heh. She doesn't really look like Pyan. Will have to do another some time, srry bout that.
No. 24237 ID: 59295a

woops i made the dimensions a bit large.
No. 24238 ID: 59295a
File 140760048484.jpg - (120.64KB , 600x800 , GnollPanties.jpg )

Gnoll panties quickie
No. 24239 ID: 59295a
File 140760477982.jpg - (202.74KB , 600x800 , GnollPantiesDarker.jpg )

here's a darker version cuz why not
No. 24242 ID: 795da4


Side ties the best

you have good taste sire

I almost want to request

horrifically cute burmecian yuri
No. 24246 ID: 9dd1ee

your gnolls are adorable!
No. 24265 ID: e3aff6

Requesting Allison with the letters HUG LIFE written on her knuckles.
No. 24443 ID: 59295a
File 140886932061.jpg - (84.02KB , 648x864 , Elf1.jpg )

Boy, have I not been posting lately. Due to lack the lack of art, I felt like it would be good to post this piece I doodled up for one of my buddies campaigns. The premise for this guy is "renaissance elf."
No. 24444 ID: 59295a

Will likely start posting more fanart as well... hopefully. >.>
No. 24457 ID: 59295a
File 140904464924.jpg - (102.85KB , 648x720 , AlottaTanuki.jpg )

Here's a bunch of silly doodles of Mujina Kensuyata. I'm planning on using these as coloring practice.
No. 24459 ID: 59295a
File 140904748837.jpg - (33.82KB , 360x504 , Doggy.jpg )

No. 24460 ID: 6e85c8

those are adorable
No. 24466 ID: 59295a
File 140912118037.jpg - (56.24KB , 576x720 , GenericFoxColoringShit.jpg )

I've been doing some coloring practice, and among the muck which I produced, this is one of the better pieces. Tried to focus on basic, clean looking coloring.
No. 24469 ID: 59295a
File 140914120561.jpg - (58.69KB , 450x600 , SukebanKensu.jpg )

I always thought this look suited her.
No. 24470 ID: 59295a

also clothes are hard to draw.
No. 24471 ID: 59295a
File 140914606742.jpg - (88.22KB , 374x750 , SrryWeaverSrryInternet.jpg )

The only thing scary about this game is the fact that there's porn of it now... amarite guys? lolol

Anyways, I'm really sorry I edited Weaver's artwork without his express permission. It's a really dickish thing to do, but I became too excited over the thought of this piece.

With my deepest remorse, I apologize to both Weaver and the art community, as well as the internet.

You just draw Bonnie too cute, Weav! ~<3
No. 24472 ID: 59295a

Original can be found here --> http://tgweaver.tumblr.com/
No. 24473 ID: 2fd516

Bonnie is male.
No. 24475 ID: 59295a

Not the way I draw him.
No. 24478 ID: d8a627

Didn't the game's creator say Bonnie and Chica were female? Or was it Chica and Foxy?
No. 24479 ID: 59295a
File 140918467704.jpg - (89.34KB , 500x500 , StuffingProcess.jpg )

Despite its appearance, the process by which you are stuffed into the suits is actually quite painful. The only parts of you that will see the light of day again will be your eyes and teeth!
No. 24482 ID: 59295a
File 140923156770.jpg - (130.10KB , 500x1000 , FiveNightsAtRuby\'s.jpg )

Can't say I like this one, but I felt compelled to finish it.

Ending Spoilers: two bunnies had sex while a cyclops jerked off and watched.
No. 24487 ID: 59295a
File 140924251268.jpg - (161.86KB , 800x500 , YeahMikeGoForIt.jpg )

It's rude to stare, Mike.
No. 24488 ID: 59295a
File 140924276229.jpg - (159.67KB , 800x500 , GoForItMikeWhatsTheWorstThatCouldHappen.jpg )

Better version.
No. 24489 ID: 59295a

I hope somebody out there is enjoying these posts as much as I am. :V
No. 24490 ID: 9dd1ee

rule 63 isn't really my thing . . .
No. 24491 ID: f3b5de

I like this
No. 24492 ID: 2fd516

Foxy is confirmed male. Chica is confirmed female. Bonnie is presumed male because of the bowtie, and the designer hasn't come forward about Bonnie's true gender yet afaik.
No. 24493 ID: 6e85c8


Bonnie is a female name.
No. 24494 ID: 9dd1ee

Bonnie is a unisex name
No. 24495 ID: 2fd516

It's worth noting that Bonnie is a pallette-swapped Freddie but with rabbit ears and a different hand for the microphone.
No. 24502 ID: 59295a
File 140929083178.jpg - (93.25KB , 500x600 , Donkeh.jpg )

It was necessary.
No. 24503 ID: 59295a
File 140930188597.jpg - (68.44KB , 600x600 , MikeUPriviledgedCunt.jpg )


Am I unfunny or what?
No. 24504 ID: 59295a

I should also stop with the Weaver knockoffs, but I need to draw more porn in his style first.
No. 24510 ID: f3b5de

I found a new quest called "loser quest"
you should.. idk.. draw porn of it.
No. 24524 ID: 59295a
File 140940903496.jpg - (149.88KB , 500x1000 , Window Talk 1.jpg )

This has become an obsession. I'm sure of it.
No. 24525 ID: 59295a
File 140940917320.jpg - (156.86KB , 500x1000 , Window Talk 2.jpg )

Mike is a very sentimental guy.

Also, behold my bad dialogue!
No. 24526 ID: 59295a

I did a third strip, but I didn't like it. :0
No. 24529 ID: b88e47

No. 24533 ID: 59295a

Alright, PHEW! I after about 2 hours of dicking around with themes,and becoming horribly confused in the process, I finally managed to produce a tumblr account that I think looks nice.




Part of my reasoning for making this blog was to provide a primary, personal storage for purely art and entertainment related content, produced by myself, as well as a much more intuitive means of viewing my work. So, don't expect any bullshitty slice of life posts.

Furthermore, It'll give me good reason not to inundate Tgchan's draw board with non TG related art.
Not that I think it really mattered to begin with, but, I prefer the consistency and the greater volition.

That being said, I'll still be posting my TG art here, so I won't just be getting up and leaving. However, this doesn't leave my tumblr page exempt from TG posts. Eheheh.

Also, hopefully this will provide a much more intuitive way of viewing my work.
No. 24541 ID: 59295a
File 140949804950.jpg - (69.81KB , 600x600 , KensuBlowing.jpg )

Here have some kensu. She wasn't originally blowing up a balloon.

I also updated my tumblr.
No. 24542 ID: 38aa37

you should know the /FN@F/ gen is going crazy for your stuff mang.
No. 24549 ID: 59295a

Eh, I haven't noticed any of my stuff around the web, besides on my Tumblr and here, of course.
No. 24551 ID: 38aa37

People seem to just be posting it on thread then. Ah well
No. 24553 ID: d8a627

That 1st night and 6th night FN@F ended up on e621.
No. 24555 ID: 59295a
File 140959450163.jpg - (69.34KB , 600x600 , Conical Hound.jpg )

So, once upon a time, in the days of yore, when a young Paladin found the world oh so intriguing, he was inspired by Rubyquest to design a cast of odd characters. One of said characters was the Conical Hound.

I've long since forgotten the exact symbolism behind his design, but I feel that it's not hard to speculate.
Anyways, these guys never got past their fledgling conceptualizations, leaving a much desired stage for them to take their roles. The Conical Hound in particular lacks any real character development, other than he'd occasionally give bad advice to the main character: Oliver Rivers.
No. 24556 ID: 59295a

Sorry for the strange post. I guess I just needed to voice the reemergent memories before I forget them again. At least they're slightly TG related, right?
No. 24557 ID: 59295a
File 140959566057.jpg - (49.65KB , 600x600 , Oliver Rivers.jpg )

Here's Oliver. If I can remember correctly he's a slum raised cat of about 8. His mother is a neglective whore, and I do mean literally, Oliver was raised in a brothel. Albeit, he spent most of his time in the alleys behind the brothel.
The bit on his collar, while heavily suggestive of St. Peter's cross, is actually just a hunk of junk that young Oliver happened upon in the trash one day.
No. 24558 ID: 72dc78

I get a Gregory's house of horrors vibe from them
No. 24600 ID: 9dd1ee

The author of "Slavery quest" wants to know if he can post your fanart of scarlet on his FA

(I'm not the author btw, just being paid to draw stuff)
No. 24601 ID: 59295a

My permission is granted. He can go ahead and post it.
No. 24671 ID: 59295a
File 141051879270.jpg - (67.67KB , 600x800 , Nan.jpg )

Nan cuz why not?
No. 24691 ID: 59295a
File 141083435878.jpg - (92.18KB , 1000x500 , sUCKING PAPA WEAVES.jpg )

My observations from /5N@F/... Weaver related therefore TGchan related. :0
No. 24699 ID: 53548a

This is hilarious and a pretty good imitation of Weaver's style.
No. 24736 ID: 59295a
File 141126941791.jpg - (77.24KB , 800x800 , Ar\'koa Concepts.jpg )

I've been drawing a lot of bird people lately.
No. 24738 ID: dff0a8

my people
No. 24740 ID: 59295a
File 141128489110.jpg - (57.23KB , 500x500 , Peep Democracy.jpg )

The Peep Corporate Confederation arguing against the Astranian Alliance's conflict against the Solars.
No. 24741 ID: 59295a
File 141130820560.jpg - (115.75KB , 800x800 , Peep or Stranner.jpg )

Why not both? Bleh, I'm never comfortable with drawing stranners.
No. 24743 ID: 9dd1ee

>Bleh, I'm never comfortable with drawing stranners.
well you seem to do a good job of it none the less
No. 24769 ID: 59295a
File 141154337858.jpg - (169.31KB , 800x1500 , Origin of Man - A Speculation.jpg )


"The minor details are unimportant."

I was inspired to create this after reading the lonelyverse discussion threads.
No. 24771 ID: 59295a
File 141157603222.jpg - (114.24KB , 800x800 , Stranner Spacer Marine Concepts.jpg )


I've been trying to understand Astranian anatomy better, and I thought it would be helpful to draw one in a space marine suit, y'know, to get a deeper understanding of their proportions? Also used this opportunity to practice drawing Zane.
No. 24772 ID: 59295a

Also, it bears repeating: dat hair!
No. 24774 ID: b88e47

That is wonderufl.
No. 24776 ID: 4a20fa

LW normally draws the head-dome rounder, but it's neat how you've made it look like heavy-duty diving/spacesuit gear.
No. 24779 ID: 59295a

I intentionally did it that way just to toy with the design. Not that i'm trying to say anything tho.
No. 24783 ID: 4a20fa

It's a pretty cool variant. Probably needs a bit more weight-transfer support down through the legs, though.
No. 24784 ID: 59295a


Perhaps bigger, military-grade, grav boots would do the trick? It'd probably balance the look at least.
No. 24797 ID: 59295a
File 141182747749.jpg - (47.72KB , 600x800 , Mask.jpg )

Holy hell is coloring hard. Anyways, have a shoddy Mask (?).
No. 24798 ID: 436cdc

ooh, I can work off this. Radical.
No. 24800 ID: 59295a

I was told she actually had the coloration of a numbat. However, her eyes and hair are the correct color.
No. 24801 ID: 59295a
File 141186365257.jpg - (44.82KB , 400x263 , Mask2.jpg )

Hyperrealistic Mask.
No. 24823 ID: 59295a
File 141194388865.jpg - (56.41KB , 600x600 , Peep Farm.jpg )

How unorthodox of me to not draw Astranian fanart, but instead draw fanart of aquest that hasn't updated in 2 years. lol.
No. 24825 ID: 59295a

Speaking of. lol
No. 24829 ID: 9dd1ee

an interesting design!, by the way the shoulder thingy is a scanner
No. 24868 ID: 59295a
File 141229654673.jpg - (70.17KB , 600x600 , Mook Practice.jpg )

Was gonna draw Mook. Ended up drawing a knight mouse with shitty, lazy coloring.

I'll still count it as a medieval stranner piece.
No. 24869 ID: 4cbe79

so cute
No. 24870 ID: 59295a
File 141231182040.jpg - (62.28KB , 600x600 , Dominant Commander.jpg )

No. 24875 ID: 59295a
File 141239977650.jpg - (40.12KB , 500x600 , FRACTALS goat cat.jpg )

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