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File 136868845409.png - (48.50KB , 889x606 , c3p0 and stuff.png )
19026 No. 19026 ID: 25312f
So I guess I'm doing a drawthread? I'm in no way serious about it.
Expand all images
No. 19027 ID: 25312f
File 136868866895.png - (23.83KB , 889x606 , Disappointed Coin.png )
No. 19028 ID: 25312f
File 136868890035.png - (35.84KB , 889x606 , Tozol in armor.png )
No. 19029 ID: 25312f
File 136868922994.png - (64.32KB , 889x606 , IDK something for the IRC.png )
No. 19030 ID: 25312f
File 136868955322.png - (36.25KB , 889x606 , Lazuhrek falling out of tree.png )
No. 19031 ID: 25312f
File 136868973629.png - (28.35KB , 889x606 , Kobold eats cake.png )
No. 19032 ID: 25312f
File 136869026377.png - (24.74KB , 889x606 , Sandy.png )
No. 19033 ID: 25312f
File 136869159012.png - (26.84KB , 889x606 , DUCKS.png )
No. 19034 ID: 25312f
File 136869185630.png - (39.39KB , 889x592 , Kobolds doing something.png )
No. 19035 ID: 25312f
I've been taking requests on the IRC. But I guess I'll take some requests on here. Because why not? This amuses me.
No. 19039 ID: 77cbe7
Please draw an exaggerated buffoon.
No. 19046 ID: 25312f
File 136874152495.png - (63.64KB , 889x592 , Bufoon.png )
No. 19057 ID: f81986

How delightful!
No. 21166 ID: 2ae1fb
File 138416530821.png - (63.07KB , 993x529 , Skelita.png )
Got bored. Drew one of my favorite dolls on my desk. Uplifted and I have affectionately nicknamed her "Little Creepy Bones" after an amusing Tumblr post about her, but she's actually Skelita Calaveras.
No. 21167 ID: 2ae1fb
File 138416638061.png - (75.19KB , 993x529 , Jin.png )
...And this one is Uplifted's favorite. She's supposed to be a dragon, but I didn't draw the scales because I dunno.
No. 21805 ID: 2ae1fb
File 138906369512.png - (120.24KB , 1306x529 , Arcanebear\'s awesome team!.png )
I drew some pictures of some Redditors' Pokemon teams for Reddit contests. I don't think I'll win any of them, but I just thought I'd give it a shot.

This one is /u/Arcanebear's team: a Mega Alakazam, a Gyarados, a Gengar, a Ferrothorn, an Arcanine, and a Shiny Nidoking.
No. 21806 ID: 2ae1fb
File 138906375873.png - (149.82KB , 1306x529 , Pika-chic\'s shiny kitties!.png )
This one is /u/Pika-chic's avatar and her team of shinies: Glameow, Skitty, Umbreon, Absol, Persian, and Liepard.
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