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File 134681282511.png - (272.43KB , 1055x307 , titleLaunch.png )
15036 No. 15036 ID: f72f26

Many moons ago long before even the creation of TGchan In the forgotten age of twenty-O-six I produced a webcomic of questionable quality

perhaps some will find a sliver of amusement in it.
feel free to comment.
3 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 15040 ID: 50b072

brace yourself for porn of the main character, I'm sure.
No. 15044 ID: f72f26
File 134682086715.png - (360.84KB , 862x772 , FN4launch.png )

No. 15045 ID: f72f26
File 134682225980.png - (357.08KB , 845x712 , FN5launch.png )

No. 15046 ID: f72f26
File 134682232777.png - (333.56KB , 858x683 , FN6launch.png )

No. 15047 ID: f72f26
File 134682237016.png - (286.33KB , 856x595 , FN7launch.png )

No. 15066 ID: 87d89c

LW I didn't know you were into vore
No. 15069 ID: f72f26
File 134689600574.png - (320.72KB , 842x716 , FN8launch.png )

No. 15070 ID: 5355ed

I read the title as "Fierce Mess" as in "Oh honey you are a fierce mess~!"

I hang out with too many gay dudes.
No. 15073 ID: f72f26
File 134690900128.png - (313.03KB , 853x668 , FN9launch.png )

would people want me to make comments regarding these things? or simply let the comics speak for themselves
No. 15074 ID: f72f26
File 134691051233.png - (334.47KB , 868x742 , FN10launch.png )

No. 15076 ID: feab56

Dat english hurts mah brain
No. 15079 ID: f72f26
File 134694589731.png - (291.63KB , 869x605 , FN11launch.png )

I understand my english is weak.
but I'd appreciate it if you'd be more critical and less snarky
No. 15080 ID: feab56


Have someone check your dialog for spelling errors before uploading new comic strips.
No. 15081 ID: 803322

thiscomic is cute
No. 15084 ID: f72f26
File 134698472141.png - (346.51KB , 855x675 , FN12launch.png )

No. 15085 ID: f72f26
File 134698475487.png - (376.48KB , 877x727 , FN13launch.png )

No. 15089 ID: b6edd6

I laughed at the narrator-lighting.
No. 15090 ID: f72f26
File 134699876446.png - (269.50KB , 855x650 , FN14launch.png )

thanks for the compliments, I'm glad you guys are enjoying the comic
No. 15098 ID: f72f26
File 134706857026.png - (390.39KB , 877x768 , FN15launch.png )

No. 15110 ID: 6a1ec2

The english it- uh actually is pretty good. I wouldn't have noticed any mistakes if someone hadn't complained.

Just have someone check your dialog for spelling errors 6 years ago when this comic was created. You do have a time machine, right?
No. 15119 ID: f2c20c

Well I *did* notice the inappropriate 'too's.
No. 15122 ID: f72f26
File 134713677706.png - (338.14KB , 875x625 , FN16launch.png )

I'm going to try my best to fix spelling mistakes as much as I can't.
I appreciate you bearing through my illiteracy.
No. 15123 ID: f72f26
File 134713681254.png - (411.85KB , 876x651 , FN17launch.png )

No. 15126 ID: f72f26
File 134715999644.png - (315.56KB , 912x651 , FN18launch.png )

No. 15129 ID: f72f26
File 134721866908.png - (277.40KB , 877x726 , FN19launch.png )

No. 15180 ID: f72f26
File 134747675123.png - (414.53KB , 869x657 , FN20launch.png )

this ends the prologue, next strip the real comic begins
No. 15184 ID: 87d89c

No more Fierce-Ness? :<
No. 15186 ID: 4a328b

I gotta say, I love the expressions/design on this dragon.
No. 15187 ID: f72f26
File 134750319358.png - (388.85KB , 638x795 , FN21launch.png )

Thanks, I've always been a fan of fun expressions

Sadly it's true, we won't be seeing much dragon for a long time.
No. 15189 ID: f2c20c

What an evil, evil man.
No. 15209 ID: f72f26
File 134759140624.png - (519.71KB , 638x1100 , FN22launch.png )

No. 15210 ID: f72f26
File 134759326494.png - (521.42KB , 638x1060 , FN23launch.png )

No. 15216 ID: f2c20c

This is totally unrealistic. Seven should be talking way more than that.
No. 15217 ID: 13acf4

Should also be arguing with 1-6. Numbers and Seven don't get along.
No. 15220 ID: f72f26
File 134764717968.png - (556.10KB , 625x1156 , FN24launch.png )

fortunately the Black Pawn Seven in the comic is not TGchan's Seven.
No. 15221 ID: f72f26
File 134764947479.png - (672.67KB , 638x1212 , FN25launch.png )

No. 15222 ID: e3f578

Why is fat nerd racist against drow?
No. 15231 ID: f72f26
File 134768990913.png - (645.82KB , 638x1469 , FN26launch.png )

The Fat Nerd has DM'd for one to many terrible drow characters.
No. 15236 ID: 0c2247

Unearthed Arcana.

Also, Drizzt. Specifically, the OCDNS resulting from Drizzt.
No. 15237 ID: f72f26
File 134776530478.png - (625.74KB , 638x1230 , FN27launch.png )

No. 15243 ID: f72f26
File 134782001292.png - (502.62KB , 638x976 , FN28launch.png )

No. 15244 ID: abb947

Oh god is that Comic Sans?
No. 15246 ID: f72f26
File 134784285304.png - (591.93KB , 638x1201 , FN29launch.png )

yes it is indeed the dreaded comic sans
No. 15265 ID: f72f26
File 134793347932.png - (577.47KB , 638x1224 , FN30launch.png )

No. 15267 ID: f72f26
File 134794165579.png - (565.91KB , 638x1189 , FN31launch.png )

No. 15275 ID: f72f26
File 134801971132.png - (597.61KB , 638x1239 , FN32launch.png )

No. 15285 ID: b6edd6

>A gnoll with spotted fur wearing underwear made of very similar spotted fur
The implications are both disturbing and hilarious.
No. 15300 ID: 38afbf

No. 15301 ID: bef5d2

Is this the end?
No. 15302 ID: 67ba4b
File 134824042517.png - (618.01KB , 638x1236 , FN33launch.png )

No. 15303 ID: 67ba4b
File 134824420244.png - (722.64KB , 638x1514 , FN34launch.png )

No. 15304 ID: 67ba4b
File 134824641315.png - (610.42KB , 638x1225 , FN35launch.png )

No. 15305 ID: 1987d1

At this rate, there's going to be a party wipe by the scenery they happened to start next too. That's kind of impressive.
No. 15307 ID: 67ba4b
File 134825507695.png - (499.70KB , 638x1138 , FN36launch.png )

No. 15309 ID: bf54a8

>gnoll saves everyone

No. 15315 ID: 605095

that face, hahahahah!
No. 15316 ID: 67ba4b
File 134828258367.png - (509.81KB , 638x1128 , FN37launch.png )

No. 15317 ID: bf54a8

dem leaf panties~
No. 15318 ID: 67ba4b
File 134828327879.png - (576.59KB , 638x1138 , FN38launch.png )

No. 15319 ID: 67ba4b
File 134828371311.png - (544.27KB , 638x1183 , FN39launch.png )

No. 15321 ID: 605095

No. 15329 ID: 67ba4b
File 134836450306.png - (547.37KB , 638x1144 , FN40launch.png )

No. 15343 ID: 67ba4b
File 134845666916.png - (663.14KB , 638x1265 , FN41launch.png )

No. 15348 ID: f2c20c

>use detect evil on other party members
Well, if your player group is smart, this isn't a problem, because any Evil PC tagging along with a paladin has a way of hiding his alignment. That's for serious roleplayers though. A casual group would just agree ahead of time not to have evil mixing with good.

Something tells me this isn't the case here.
No. 15349 ID: bf54a8

well the gnoll seems like a nice girl, ditzy, but good.
No. 15362 ID: 34cbef

inb4 wizard is evil
No. 15364 ID: 67ba4b
File 134853789388.png - (585.41KB , 638x1180 , FN42launch.png )

No. 15365 ID: f2c20c

And then they all kill the paladin.
No. 15367 ID: 67ba4b
File 134854433701.png - (528.81KB , 638x1233 , FN43launch.png )

No. 15369 ID: 67ba4b
File 134854708342.png - (476.94KB , 638x1205 , FN44launch.png )

No. 15370 ID: 67ba4b
File 134854822665.png - (611.27KB , 638x1505 , FN45launch.png )

No. 15382 ID: 67ba4b
File 134862854392.png - (496.65KB , 638x1189 , FN46launch.png )

No. 15384 ID: 67ba4b
File 134863246302.png - (552.43KB , 638x1246 , FN47launch.png )

No. 15385 ID: 364fd8

I'm digging this, but, any chance of tossing a summary on each post, or the first of each new batch? Hard to tell what's new from the thumbnails.
No. 15394 ID: 67ba4b
File 134867661883.png - (792.64KB , 638x1226 , FN48launch.png )

I'll see what I can do

the first epic battle begins!
No. 15396 ID: f2c20c

>small animal
>dire rat
These things do not go together.
No. 15400 ID: 67ba4b
File 134871331036.png - (718.50KB , 638x1196 , FN49launch.png )


according the third ed monster manual
the dire rat is a small sized creature of the animal type

so the DM is technically describing the monster accorately
No. 15401 ID: bf54a8

those are adorable rat monsters.
No. 15408 ID: 67ba4b
File 134880246058.png - (609.27KB , 638x1223 , FN50launch.png )

Sauce lights up the fight
No. 15413 ID: d16542

hahaah, this thing is gold
No. 15441 ID: 67ba4b
File 134897136627.png - (627.04KB , 638x1225 , FN51launch.png )

rules are overrated
No. 15463 ID: 67ba4b
File 134902233648.png - (613.27KB , 638x1224 , FN52launch.png )

No. 15495 ID: 67ba4b
File 134923387463.png - (594.88KB , 638x1227 , FN53launch.png )

one of the few early pictures of Bitette I still like
No. 15496 ID: f2c20c

>stabilizing on his own
That's not how it works!
No. 15499 ID: 67ba4b
File 134923878842.png - (583.19KB , 638x1231 , FN54launch.png )

there's a 10% chance every rounds, sometimes characters just get lucky
No. 15501 ID: bf54a8

those are some sweet rat-boots.
No. 15504 ID: e3f578

LW, did you actually roll dice for your comic and wrote out a resultant outcome or did you just choose their rolls that would be appropriate for your desired outcome?
No. 15505 ID: 67ba4b
File 134929036899.png - (588.14KB , 638x1221 , FN55launch.png )

all the roles are authentic
I actually have 8 separate d20s one used for each of the characters
No. 15508 ID: 67ba4b
File 134932328850.png - (679.16KB , 638x1222 , FN56launch.png )

No. 15535 ID: 67ba4b
File 134947253656.png - (623.79KB , 638x1231 , FN57launch.png )

Goblins are terrible people
No. 15543 ID: 364fd8

I'm still waiting for the GM to snap at all this "a dice" talk and shout "DIE!" at someone.
No. 15545 ID: 67ba4b
File 134949867001.png - (711.01KB , 638x1438 , FN58launch.png )

No. 15556 ID: e3f578

Oh god wow
Since this is legit dice rolls here, that is fucking amazing that happened. It's like your dice themselves are tired of your nerdy character's dumb GM shit LW.
No. 15557 ID: 67ba4b
File 134957546254.png - (639.97KB , 638x1227 , FN59launch.png )

No. 15575 ID: 67ba4b
File 134966925387.png - (618.94KB , 638x1225 , FN60launch.png )

the whims of the dice are often amusing
No. 15597 ID: 67ba4b
File 134975436466.png - (607.34KB , 638x1231 , FN61launch.png )

No. 15618 ID: 67ba4b
File 134988960644.png - (654.38KB , 638x1225 , FN62launch.png )

the DM dishes out some sweet exp
No. 15632 ID: 34cbef
File 134991405029.png - (60.84KB , 1129x653 , fanness.png )

hey uh, i like this comic so much i made fanart for it... i hope you like it.
No. 15634 ID: 67ba4b
File 134992379248.png - (738.61KB , 638x1228 , FN63launch.png )


I do like it!, it looks awesome
thanks Chirps!
No. 15701 ID: 67ba4b
File 135018328035.png - (664.92KB , 638x1231 , FN64launch.png )

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