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File 134149204557.jpg - (105.24KB , 900x557 , 43524624513126.jpg )
13945 No. 13945 ID: c3ec0a
Faith in the Information?
Expand all images
No. 13947 ID: c3ec0a
File 134149210162.jpg - (35.77KB , 720x720 , 2342135135.jpg )
It's in the eye
No. 13949 ID: 120d63
Wow, man, that's pretty damn nice!
No. 13958 ID: 351631
Now you're getting it!
No. 13983 ID: c3ec0a
File 134163437818.png - (157.08KB , 1000x600 , sketchinthedream.png )
Wish I got better instruction in the dream how to paint animated water & boob smooth chickens.
No. 14769 ID: 710329
File 134531494810.png - (0.96MB , 1000x1000 , klackon_bar.png )
No. 14770 ID: 710329
File 134531497540.png - (0.97MB , 1000x1000 , klackon_bar2.png )
No. 15617 ID: 710329
File 134988593008.png - (724.58KB , 1000x600 , bubbles_balloons_rock.png )
Something very random
No. 16896 ID: 710329
File 135612394898.png - (9.62MB , 2500x2272 , slica_v_final_tgchan.png )
A major work in a while
No. 18518 ID: 710329
File 136526979907.png - (201.16KB , 600x700 , skaven.png )
Tried out a brush style more.
Source image: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wvgVPbpNN7o/TrFSZS293TI/AAAAAAAAAEA/or21sKIzXb0/s1600/skavenslave.jpg
No. 18533 ID: cf4b3c
That looks pretty grim. Have you got any more darker material?
No. 18552 ID: cf49fc
...What does that bug have against a guy playing Solitaire!?
No. 18556 ID: 710329
File 136558769126.png - (82.58KB , 600x600 , Fallowen_slave_n_darklock.png )
Well, I have some dark material in my black and white Life or Oblivion quest development document. It looks chillier against dark background of the document.
No. 18557 ID: 710329
File 136558784252.png - (500.42KB , 1000x600 , Home_dining.png )
Life or Oblivion is btw a desert utopia way of living against the destructors of the world. I'm considering high fantasy. Currently I have difficulty with time management as well as questing skills. Those problems reflect from a life situation.
No. 18599 ID: 710329
File 136604473362.png - (612.08KB , 600x600 , elf.png )
No. 18687 ID: d5300d
File 136654875257.png - (883.64KB , 1000x600 , Necromancer.png )
No. 19158 ID: 710329
File 136934503248.png - (577.36KB , 1000x1000 , mmrshan_colony.png )
30 minutes
No. 19159 ID: f2c20c
I think you could stand to start drawing from life more often.
No. 20695 ID: 786039
File 138028905135.png - (219.83KB , 450x373 , cockpit.png )
No. 21227 ID: 1c677c
File 138470916331.png - (1.20MB , 1000x640 , Suniva_trade_a02.png )
Desert Utopian quest concept
No. 21228 ID: 1c677c
File 138471472017.png - (2.72MB , 1890x960 , male gnome.png )
Gnomeship concept
No. 21229 ID: 2f4b71
He returns! Any chance of Steel Wars continuing?
No. 21246 ID: 1c677c
That depends on EvilP's schedule
No. 21277 ID: 1c677c
We've been talking about Steel Wars with EvilP. He is busier than before so it's not looking very good for the Steel Wars continuum
No. 21325 ID: 1c677c
File 138550249870.png - (1.31MB , 890x960 , Assassin_1.png )
Concept of an assassin sent after Fhan. I was thinking about a quest where you were to hunt down a rogue dragon cultist who hangs out with an actual dragon in some distant ice world. Of course that would be just evil.
No. 21943 ID: 1c677c
File 139025795711.png - (255.13KB , 1890x960 , goblin_army.png )
No. 22758 ID: 1c677c
File 139748588352.png - (444.46KB , 1890x960 , morbian_sketch_large_light.png )
The Morbian design to the dying Godsucker quest
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