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File 133369956703.jpg - (137.09KB , 700x963 , rinaporn5.jpg )
12137 No. 12137 ID: 09a2fd

So, uh, I guess I just decided to explore this side of tg for the first time.

This is something I may or may not finish. Approve?
45 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 13114 ID: 09a2fd
File 133759397089.jpg - (195.80KB , 400x1033 , elise.jpg )

Yeah I'm dumb. Let's try that again.
No. 13117 ID: bf1d5d
File 133760311951.jpg - (507.91KB , 1696x1856 , fashion.jpg )


Anthro's still stick to human anatomy and proportions, unless you really want to mod them up with digitigrade legs and other paraphernalia.
No. 13131 ID: 09a2fd


Damn, look at that tiny-ass head!
No. 13132 ID: bf1d5d


If by tiny ass head you mean, "Anatomically correct and proportioned properly" then yes.
No. 13136 ID: 09a2fd


I mean tiny-ass head. I don't understand how you can't see that.
No. 13137 ID: 840177

It is a bit tiny, specially on the guy on the right.
No. 13138 ID: 7acb8e

Actually, it's about right. The clothes make the man... er.. anthro. Here, take a gander at this picture I just googled

Look at that bitch on the right, her head is SUPER TINY.

Bulky angular clothes make the person look bigger than they should. I'll concede that the head is on the smallish side, but it's totally okay.

If you're going for humanish, lengthen those midget legs, if you're going for animalish, then really I guess they would be fine.

I've always secretly wished more anthros would have different shoes... something less human.
No. 13139 ID: 56df8d
File 133764383549.jpg - (181.12KB , 1696x1856 , 133760311951.jpg )


I think it's just a smidgeon too small. Here's what I think looks right. The one on the left seems ok to me.
No. 13140 ID: 09a2fd


Eh, the think the left is still too small, but the right is a definite improvement.
No. 13141 ID: 56df8d

I think you have to actually make an slight increase in 'furry' head size, because the structure of the head is actually very different, but it varies between artists I guess.
No. 13143 ID: 09a2fd


Exactly. If you try to make it the same size as a human head, it's going to look very awkward. But, yeah, as you said, people tend to have their own style. I'm not going to go out and say my style is very realistic either.
No. 13144 ID: 56df8d
File 133764826760.jpg - (53.54KB , 1092x1303 , 133753265616.jpg )

oh yeah, also, here's a thing about that thing you posted.
No. 13160 ID: 654514

Remember that everyone has their own approach, some people tend to exxagerate the fur size, and they lose features by blending them in the actual fur and not latching them properly on the skull structure.

This is to be expected when you are dealing with anthro's , you will have comic-book ish features.
No. 13319 ID: 09a2fd
File 133843698129.jpg - (240.63KB , 400x1037 , januscat.jpg )

janus cat
No. 13356 ID: 09a2fd
File 133866080334.png - (497.36KB , 650x894 , rinasanthropomorphicnightmare.png )

No. 13357 ID: f72f26

I really like this new direction of colouring
No. 13432 ID: b85f8c

Nice shading and coloring and such.
No. 13481 ID: 09a2fd
File 133946888201.png - (560.38KB , 750x750 , kuvadraw.png )

Tried coloring lineart. I think I can get used to this style.
No. 13560 ID: 09a2fd
File 133997425314.png - (392.47KB , 681x963 , poster.png )

No. 13570 ID: 554be6

Hey Fidchell. It's great to see how your coloring and lineart has improved (also noticable in the quest).

However, I would like to mention the figures you draw seem sometimes a little "stiff" or "wooden" and as a result seem not as lively as they could be.

I think this may have something to do with many of your drawings having either a full frontal view of the face or a 90 degree view of the face, regardless of the body, which makes the people seem to be "feeling uneasy".

This might be more of a "arragement" or a "composition" critique than a straight critique of your drawing, since you seem to know where to put your lines or colors (as we can all see).

Anyway, keep up the good work!
No. 13576 ID: 09a2fd


It's all thanks to you guys. :) I wouldn't have improved as much in such a short amount of time if it weren't for pointers I've been given along the way.

As for stiffness, do you mean I should do more pictures where the characters' look in a more 45 degree angle or something? I'm not sure I follow.
No. 13577 ID: 132b99

need full head rotations. start facing left and redraw the head every 5~10 degrees until it's looking right
No. 13585 ID: 09a2fd
File 134007115974.png - (26.41KB , 1500x183 , rinafacing.png )

It was pretty hard!
No. 13586 ID: 132b99

indeed, and far left and far right look kinda different.
No. 13588 ID: 2992d1

"Stiffness" anon here.

Maybe it's just part of your style. Well, do you know the feeling, when you see a drawing and the objects and/or persons seem to "float"? As if they don't have weight. And as such, the arms and legs and the head seem more like part of a doll, instead of being organic.

I can't seem to express it properly, and as such, you should probably ignore what I say. :)

I hopefully do not sound unnecessarily negative or discouraging you in any way (that would be terrible!).
Thumbs up again for you gallery here and your quest.
No. 13746 ID: 09a2fd
File 134068197614.png - (143.93KB , 700x700 , rinabuttbutt.png )

This was a good investment of my time.

Rasha, stop that.
No. 14061 ID: 09a2fd
File 134203519957.png - (348.47KB , 650x894 , leahgun.png )

How I draw gun?
No. 14062 ID: 1444d5

>How I draw gun?
With judicious photographic referencing.
Tips: ejection ports almost always face right (to eject cartridges away from the firer), the mode selector switch is positioned above the grip (where the thumb would be able to easily operate it), the stock should be tucked under the arm (or placed against the shoulder) of the same arm that holds the grip, and fingers should stay out of the trigger guard until you've already aimed and are about to fire.
No. 14063 ID: 09a2fd


BAH! Yeah, hardly used any reference for this if it wasn't already obvious. Hope I haven't offended any gun nuts here.
No. 14067 ID: e563b5

Gun looks fine to me, passable anyhow. But it's how her hands/body are interacting with the gun that seems 'off' here. She needs to be conforming more to the weapon. 'grasping' it... not merely palming it.
No. 14099 ID: c84373

It's also not resting in the same arm it is being held by.
No. 14192 ID: 09a2fd
File 134241788050.png - (29.14KB , 600x600 , spritebolt copy.png )

Cooking up a sprite sheet for a game of mine. :)
No. 14193 ID: 09a2fd
File 134241792355.gif - (4.13KB , 100x75 , boltrun.gif )

And the running sprites animated.
No. 14231 ID: b85f8c

I think you should have the animal's spine flex a lot more during that animation- it looks rather stiff. Try looking at pictures/videos of cats running. Also having slightly uneven movement between the foreground and background legs would make it look better. It's currently rather difficult to even notice that the background legs are there.
No. 14363 ID: 09a2fd
File 134324430181.png - (504.47KB , 700x963 , gladesexy.png )

No. 14364 ID: 09a2fd
File 134335300078.png - (475.76KB , 700x906 , page9.png )

Still going strong with my little comic series. Some may have seen a page I posted on IRC.

If anyone's interested, here's the entire gallery thus far. http://fiidchell.deviantart.com/gallery/36074496
No. 14452 ID: 110d7e

Barney had a kid?
No. 14801 ID: 09a2fd
File 134551117679.png - (322.03KB , 700x856 , elisehollyconcept.png )

No. 14805 ID: 09a2fd
File 134552730237.png - (40.81KB , 588x1020 , spritehank copy.png )

Spriting continues.
No. 14843 ID: 09a2fd
File 134569106278.png - (95.72KB , 700x700 , lbwisourprisoner.png )

No. 14999 ID: 09a2fd
File 134652453908.png - (620.19KB , 1088x800 , rinaintimidate.png )

No. 15005 ID: 76533d

The cloth detail and shading is quite good here, probably the best part of this picture I'd say. I'll also note that I respect just how much trouble goes into drawing a long muzzle with foreshortening (personally I would have added whiskers but I notice a lot of artists tend to drop them, especially for female characters.)

If I may, how exactly do you do you affect your fur patterning. I would guess the smudge tool on a high setting.
No. 15006 ID: 09a2fd


Thanks. :) The thing about the whiskers is that, you are correct, the lack of it somehow gives off a more "clean" and feminine look, so I just went with it in her design.

The fur detail was done simply by brush strokes with a tablet pen, but with a special brush preset under the "Other Dynamics" function that makes the opacity AND size different with pen pressure.
No. 15514 ID: 09a2fd
File 134937976326.png - (312.74KB , 600x777 , posterdavid.png )

Gonna be starting a new comic here sometime soon: http://davidfern.deviantart.com/
No. 15593 ID: 09a2fd
File 134974668389.png - (413.24KB , 800x1083 , aikeecute.png )

No. 16858 ID: 09a2fd
File 135587787416.png - (521.60KB , 700x1680 , 01-007.png )

No. 17551 ID: 25e59d
File 135983445451.png - (610.31KB , 1120x700 , emery.png )

No. 19331 ID: 9f5a86
File 137020021798.png - (377.43KB , 800x1067 , charactersaiden.png )

No. 19332 ID: 9f5a86
File 137020022602.png - (346.79KB , 800x1067 , characterschrisa.png )

No. 19333 ID: 9f5a86
File 137020023593.png - (333.44KB , 800x1067 , charactersyuseta.png )

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