Kek's Isekai/Inventory

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This page lists the players' inventories for the Kek's Isekai quest.



  • Druidess (class): You are a priestess who draws her power directly from Nature and not from any deity. You can cast spells that involve healing, charm, the weather and nature. You gain the Shapeshifting skill, rank Average.
  • Buffed Up (cheat): You gain a +3 RS bonus to 3 random attributes.
    • Reflex score buffed up to Superhuman
    • Memory score buffed up to Exceptional
    • Intuition score buffed up to Exceptional


  • Koko (cat): a tiny white kitten with a black circle around his left eye.



Mark Mondragon

  • Con Artist (class): Charisma boosted to High. Gain the Con Artist skill at rank Average. Gain the Bluff skill at rank Above Average.
  • Clown (class): You have mastered Clown World and found a weakness in the fabric of reality. You can use illusion magic and you are considered to have Average Acrobatic skills. You are immune to fear.
  • Honkler (cheat): You gain various situational bonuses for posting funny, ridiculous, outrageous or otherwise clown-related art (memes, poems, jokes...) If you use the 4chan's painter, you can use magic as depicted in your drawing, but only if the QM can guess what your drawing represents (you are not allowed to tell), and if it is clown related. You also have a special talent for driving your opponents crazy when you mock them.
  • Blessing of Chaos (strength): You receive a +1 RS bonus when you attempt a chaotic action


  • Loony (balloon dog)


  • Loki Familia
  • Kek's Adventurers Guild (B rank)


  • Kek Points: 15
  • Money (Current): 1 gold
  • Crystals: 3 bad bat, 2 fire imp, 3 shadow imps, 3 dungeon lizard, 10 roper, 20 killer ants, 20 goblin, 20 kobold, 20 orcs, 1 dungeon worm


Clown Cart


  • Assassin (class): With this class, you will gain the the power to vanish into shadows when you want to hide. This will be very useful if the law creatures come back to harrass us more. Moreover, you will obtain new knowledge about poison which will appear in your memory instantaneously. >Owen gains the skill Hide in Shadows: Average rank >Owen gains the skill Knowlege(Poison): Average rank
  • Japanese Bloodline (cheat): Your face and body morph to take a purely Japanese appearance (choose Jomon or Yayoi, see picture). When travelling to Western nations, you are considered generally adorable by everyone. When you say something rude, it will be considered part of the cultural barrier. You will be given more respect and the opposite gender will find you more attractive. At the QM's discretion, you will be given more leeway when doing retarded actions. You are considered fluent in the Japanese language and to have a proficiency of Average with katanas.
  • Blessing of Chaos (strength): You receive a +1 RS bonus when you attempt a chaotic action


  • Larry (leopard cat): Its spotted fur is eerily bright with flecks of pink and white. Its ears are sagged. The little creature is an extremely fierce predator. When it attacks it tears through thick forest and farmland, devouring all mice in its path. It used to live in a bush for shelter, before Kek teleported it.





Shi Taberu Hito

  • Sorcerer (class): You can cast any spell that you can think of. The more powerful the spell is, the more difficult it is to cast. When you want to cast a spell, all you have to do is picture an image of the spell in your mind. This technique is called: visualization.
  • Wizard (prestige class): You can use your IQ score when casting known spells. New spells can be learnt from scrolls, books or trainers. Sorcerer spells can still be casted using vizualization. You receive a spellbook that contains 1 random spell.
  • Strange Aeons (cheat): You no longer age, you are immune to mental influence, and you have a handful of supernatural abilities, you can enter and manipulate dreams, grow and recede alien appendages at will, and summon weak entities from Lovecraft’s mythos if you fulfill the grisly requirements.
  • Edgelord (cheat): You can teleport behind your foes, summon dual desert eagles/uzis at your discretion, and drain life force to regenerate or fuel your attacks when you cut someone. You can also cut yourself and reabsorb it at an equal ratio. Forbidden sorcery comes twice as easily and malign entities see you as their equivalent and take you seriously, for good or ill. This comes at the cost of a gravelly voice, deep dislike of daylight, and the permanent fixation to wear a trenchcoat and dark-tinted sunglasses, which you can summon at will. If your dialogue is sufficiently edgy, you may receive a bonus to any given roll.






Sturdy Leather Backpack

Emiya's Inventory


  • Appraise Rank (Above Average): This spell gives you an estimate of your opponent's power, ranked from A to F.
  • Bind Demon
  • Charm Person ([+1 RS favored spell]) (Low):
  • Discord (Above Average): This spell creates supernatural enmity within your enemy’s ranks.
  • Friendship (Weak): This spell improves the target's attitude toward you.
  • Joi (Weak): This spell improves the target's mood.
  • Protection From Evil
  • Mass Confusion
  • Mass Fear (Above Average)
  • Magical Contract (High)
  • Rage (Average)
  • Summon Demon (Exceptional)


  • Medicine Man of Odin (class): Miracles of healing and revival come to 2RS easier to you. You can channel positive energy to heal all nearby living creatures and harm demonic beings/undead. Outside of combat you can instantly heal any wound and cure minor illnesses without a skill check.


  • Father Miracle: His eyes are pure white, he is frothing at the mouth, his veins are visible through his skin, and he is covered in ash. The monster begins to scream in a high pitched voice. Sigric bends the creature’s mind to his will.





  • Gladiator (class): You are considered to have Average skill in traditional gladiator weapons (gladius, harpoon, etc.). If a crowd is watching you and cheering on you, your rank increases to High.
  • Creepy (cheat): You are creepy. You are powered by corrupted, deviant energies. You revel in rape, cannibalism, and anything viewed as creepy by normies. The more you creep out, gross out and offend others, the more powerful buffs you gain. If your party doesn't hate you, then you are doing something wrong. Unlock great bonuses if you make another player quit.






Sir Bacon

  • Empath (class): You are an empath who masters the energy of emotions. You can feel other people's surface emotions and manipulate them magically.
  • Anonymous (cheat): You are impossible to remember when you’ve left someone’s sight, you can’t be recorded in any way, and you leave no evidence of your existence. This doesn’t apply to other Isekai victims. In addition, you can still post on 4chan, but trying to prove you’ve been Isekai’d will get you laughed at.



Bamboo Backpack


  • Priest of Kek (class): You can cast spells related to healing, blessing, and Kek's attributes in general.
  • Cursed Sage (cheat): You gain the powers called "Dark Heal", "Destroy" and "Death Roulette". Their effect is unknown.




