Indivisible Fortress
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Indivisible Fortress by JamesLeng |
A mixed circle of solaroid and lunars in the Frozen North.
A play-by-post game of Exalted 2.5
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Main Cast
Name | Character Sheet | Spent / Earned XP | Summary | Player |
Noir | [1] | 8/26 | Wears all black, and probably doesn't trust you. | Santova |
Desert Locust | [2] | 3/34 | Doesn't know what's going on with all her limbs and strange new powers, but it doesn't seem like such a bad deal at the moment. | Santova |
Jan Do | [3] | 25/51 | Honorable Swordswoman who seeks to study that which killed her, and cleanse such shames from her past. | mageykun |
Tasnim Violette | [4] | 11/46 | A mama bear who's a mother hen, dispensary on the run from the powers that be of Nexus | mageykun |
Adamant Strix | [5] | (9xp debt) 45/64 | If it's Magitech or Geomancy, she want's to know about it. Just be careful not to piss off her past self, or you'll realize her harmless nature is not shared by her shard's previous owner. | Gwen |
Clever Fox | [6] | 15/24 | It's unclear what her true face or name are, but there's no question who she has the hots for. | Gwen |
Patches in Reality | [7] | 12/38 | The lucky rabbit. | Gilly |
Viatrix Senta (aka Horizon Silver) | [8] | 14/23 | A lunar warbird out of time. | Grumpy Stabby |
Old Realm | Riverspeak | Firetongue | Skytongue | Seatongue | |
Noir | ✔ | ✔ | |||
Desert Locust | ✔ | ✔ | |||
Jan Do | ✔ | ✔ | |||
Tasnim Violette | ✔ | ✔ | |||
Adamant Strix | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Clever Fox | ✔ | ✔ | |||
Patches in Reality | ✔ | ✔ | |||
Viatrix Senta (aka Horizon Silver) | ✔ | ✔ |
- JamesLeng's Houserules
- Character Sheet Template
- Charm Trees
- Thaumaturgy Ref
- Equipment Template Ref
- Martial Arts Styles
- List of Sidereals
- Anima Powers Comparison
- Keyword Ref
- Limit Break Ref
- Table of Chargen Resources / BP / XP / Training Times
- Equipment Statline Ref
- Lunar Shapeshifting Ref
- Abyssal Innate Powers
- Wyld Houserules
- Mortal Ref
- Languages Ref
- Martial Arts Ref
- Found artifacts list