Lilac High Dust
Spikesby asks why she's the Ice Queen, and how the other Wizards get their names.
"People say I don't take anything too seriously or something. Who knows? I though it sounded cool. We just pick 'em"
Spikesby says that he thought wizard power corresponded to age. Like, the older you got, the better you got at using magic.
He asks if new wizards still be made or maybe grow stronger, if she could build up a base of power under the ocean if she wanted.
"Well, before the war there were lots of wizards. How strong you are has to do with being old, but some of us are just better or whatever. We all used to be normal people. Whenever a Wizard would die, another one would happen. While the big war was going on, that stopped happening. I'm pretty sure nobody's gotten stronger either. I know I haven't."
What's she think of the other wizards? Are any of them benevolent?
"Blacksoul, Queen of Sorrows, and Meg are the oldest. Marvels, me and Radia are all a lot younger than them, and Ryxix is somewhere in between us and the old guys.
After the fighting had been going on, right before everything got messed up or whatever, Breaker, Flare, and Soulfire showed up. That's why their kinda messed up or whatever. They're all way, way stronger than any new wizard ever was before. I don't know what anybody was before they were wizards, though. You don't really remember your old life too much. It doesn't matter anyway. Your body keeps changing too. Once Kshaara got nailed, Ryxix freaked out and got a lot bigger and more monstery."
Spikesby tells her about the Sea of Oblivion monster and asks her about Blacksoul.
"Well, if stuff starts coming out, I'll just take another vacation. thanks for the heads up though. Blacksoul doesn't trust me at all. He thinks I'm fishy because I was gone when everything happened. He's real logical and serious. He got everybody to stop fighting. I think there's some tension between him and Marvels. Marvels is pretty weak too but he's real clever.
Before the war I didn't hang with Blacksoul. He was top tier and I'm sort of the opposite of that. Well, I was pretty cool before the war, but compared to whose left I'm garbage."
Spikesby asks why she came back in the first place.
"There wasn't really anything to do besides swim around and eat. Why wouldn't I come back?"