Song of Demons

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Song of Demons by DreamerOfThings


The story of Shax Markov, a descendant of the Markov House, one of the only surviving Warlock houses in existence. Currently on a quest to prove himself worthy of becoming the next head of the family, rather than any of his his siblings. This rather regrettably will involve the death of said siblings at the hands of demons, and the death of a good many other people to harvest the souls necessary to summon and bind demons to his will. Only recently began his quest, and a parting spell cast by his brother brought him the unexpected council of the demons of his mind...

The Cast

Shax Markov
Personal description
Stats: Strength-1/Finesse-2/Will-5
Classification: Human, Warlock, Wizard
Souls: 1
Greater Wrath Soul
2 Lesser Wrath Souls
Lesser Lust Soul
Spells and abilities:
Arcane Cone of Flame: Sends a cone of fire from Shax's hands outwards, setting things on fire. Can only do this twice before requiring rest.
Arcane Missile: Fires off a bolt of arcane energy, exploding upon contact with anything.
Read All: A passive arcane ability. Shax can read any and all forms of writing, regardless of whether he should be able to.
Infernal Infernal Bolts: bolts of demonic energy that will rip away flesh, cloth and steel and kill target instantly if they strike the heart. Otherwise, it's just very, very painful. Imprison Soul: Shax can imprison the souls of the recently dead within his left arm, and use them to fuel his summoning of demons.

XP: 1


Demons are broken up into seven hells, one for each of the deadly sins. Within each sin, demons are broken into tiers, from the lowliest imp the the seven mighty demon princes.

Quests by DreamerOfThings

TGchan: Demon's Rage | Desmona's Quest | Breaking Reality | Song of Demons | Beyond the Stars | Honor of Thieves