Nostalgia Quest

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Nostalgia Quest by Tippler

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A mix of Gen 3 Pokemon games in quest form. Items, Pokemon, and concepts from Gen 4 on don't exist.

Trapinch, our hero, wakes up one night transformed into a Pokemon and has to navigate a complicated mix of two worlds.




A former salary man with a thing for illicit magazines. Desperately wants thumbs again, enjoys the Pokemon lifestyle.



Proud den owner and former pro Pokemon. Has an annoying moveset for such a sweet lady.



A moody Pokemon who hatched in the Pokemon Daycare.



Trapinch's best bud and the local shop-keep. Likes Eevee.

Pokemon Moves and Levels

Breloom Level 46

Mega Drain, Headbutt, Sky Uppercut, Leech Seed

Walrein Level 46

Hail, Rest, Ice Beam, Surf

Flygon Level 46

Fly (smart), Sand Attack (cute), Dig (smart), Dragon Breath (cool)

Espeon Level 38

Sand Attack, Swift, Confusion, Psybeam

Gardevoir Level 30

Psychic, Teleport, Double Team, Calm Mind

Smeargle Level 100

Spore, Baton Pass, Substitute, Belly Drum

Blaziken Level 100

Swords Dance, Sky Uppercut, Fire Blast, Rock Slide

Salamence Level 100

Dragon Claw, Crunch, Fly, Protect

Gengar Level 100

Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball

Sceptile Level 46

Leaf Blade (cool), Toxic (smart), Strength (tough), Pursuit (smart)

Pelipper Level 45

Wing Attack (cool), Fly (smart), Surf (beauty), Shock Wave (cool)

Aggron Level 44

Brick Break (cool), Iron Tail (cool), Protect (cute), Rock Tomb (smart)

Torkoal Level 44

Heat Wave (beauty), Flamethrower (beauty), Sunny Day (beauty), Body Slam (tough)

Absol Level 35

Bite, Swords Dance, Razor Wind, Quick Attack

Raichu Level 35

Thunderbolt, Iron Tail, Slam, Thunder Wave

Things you can do outside of normal activities

Assemble a 4 mon team to fight Groudon (Salamence, Smeargle, and Blaziken have been recruited)

Search for Tracy's Gyarados or Ludicolo

Search for Jirachi

Romance a friend (except Espeon, Linoone, or Gengar)

Talk to Houndoom about his trauma

Get human allies to implement structural changes in trainer treatment of Pokemon

Find Latios, Latias, or Deoxys

Shop at the Lilycove Department Store

Learn to code/Surf the web

Train! You can fight wild Pokemon or a friend

Assess danger with Absol


Smeargle's Den

1 sign

1 Chesto Berry

3 magazines

1 credit card

1 ID card

1 PokeNav

1 laptop

1 laptop charger

1 electricity adapter

2 pillows

1 pen

3 notepads

1 copy of 'C for dumb babies'

1 bag of snacks

1 bottle of plain lube

Shops (You currently have 1,969,600 P)

Zigzagoon's Den

1 Food Bundle can be harvested over the course of a day

Mid-grade Items (can trade a quarter of the food bundle for one):

Revives (3), Hyper Potions (5), Gold Nuggets (4)

High-grade Items (can trade half a food bundle for one):

Rare Candy (1), mediocre TMs, Vitamin Drinks (1 of each kind)

TMs available: Bulk Up, Cut, Flash, Taunt, Attract, Rock Smash, Bullet Seed, and Double Team.

Tracy Trading

1 Nugget is 5000 P

1 Battle Point (BP) is 9800 P

Status healing items: 500 P

X stat boosting: 500 P

Psychic: 70,000 P (14 Nuggets)

Flamethrower: 80,000 P (16 Nuggets)

Thunderbolt: 80,000 P (16 Nuggets)

Ice Beam: 80,000 P (16 Nuggets)

Dolls: 20,000 P (4 Nuggets)

Tasty Meal: 5000 P

Bag of Snacks: 2500 P

Leftovers: 470,400 P (48 BP)

White Herb: 470,400 P (48 BP)

Quick Claw: 470,400 P (48 BP)

Mental Herb: 470,400 P (48 BP)

BrightPowder: 627,200 P (64 BP)

Choice Band: 627,200 P (64 BP)

King's Rock: 627,200 P (64 BP)

Focus Band: 627,200 P (64 BP)

Scope Lens: 627,200 P (64 BP)

Store Prices

Full Heal: 600 P

Super Potion: 700 P

Hyper Potion: 1,200 P

Max Potion: 2,500 P

Full Restore: 3,000 P

Revive: 1,500 P

Stat Vitamins: 9,800 P

Fire Blast, Blizzard, Thunder: 5,500 P

Hyper Beam: 7,500 P

Protect, Safeguard, Reflect, Light Screen: 3,000 P

Dolls: 3,000 P

Fresh Water: 200 P

Soda Pop: 300 P

Lemonade: 350 P

Contest Tracking

Normal rank contests completed: Beauty, cool, smart

Super rank contests completed: Beauty


Sceptile: Tough x 1, smart x 1

Torkoal: Tough x 3, smart x 1

Aggron: Smart x 1, cool x 1

Pelipper: Cool x 1, beauty x 1

Vibrava: Smart x 1, tough x 1



Team Friendlies #1LinkToBoard.gif
Team Friendlies #2LinkToBoard.gif
Team Friendlies #3LinkToBoard.gif
Team Friendlies #4LinkToBoard.gif
Team Friendlies #5LinkToBoard.gif
Blaziken #1LinkToBoard.gif


By SgtLinkToBoard.gif
By SgtLinkToBoard.gif
By ThaumiKatLinkToBoard.gif

Quests by Tippler

YouDiedVerse: You Died | You Lived | Stare At Explosions | Shonen Quest

Series: This Isn't Working | Bold Request | Queen of Hell | Nostalgia Quest

Oneshots: Don't Be Late | Good Impression | Quick Quest | MasterQuest | It's Been Done Before | Composition Quest | Rosie Quest | Gay Quest | One evening rabid tippler quest | No Dice | Carnivorous Cavern | FFF | Kabot Quest | Yuri Speedrun Quest | Fresh Meat | Questden Goes Clubbing | Faith Quest | Why did you do that?

Collaborations: PLUSHQUEST | Censor Shipping | All Aboard The Sea Sharp Express! | Catalyst | Order Up | A Small Quest | Crystal Spire | Tension | Questden Duelist Invitational | Perpetuity | Lucha Quest | Dungeon Master Alice