Crash Recovery

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Crash Recovery by Arhra

Guide three little robots or maybe dinosaurs through exploring and surviving on another planet.




BLUE CORE - The coolest CORE.

SNIPPER HEAD (lvl 1) - Good for biting.

BROOD POD BODY (lvl 4) - Produces an EGG each DAY, or TWO EGGS after the second day BLU hasn't laid an EGG. Can lay up to FOUR EGGS each DAY to hatch temporary drones. BLU needs TWO FOOD each day to make EGGS.

LURE TAIL (lvl 1) - Things like RADMOEBAS get distracted by it. Maybe it's useful for other things?


Does a lot of exploring.

PINK CORE - Very brave.

SPOTTER HEAD (lvl 1) - Suits an inquisitive nature.


CHEM LASER ARM (lvl 2) - Has a powerful LASER but not two HANDS. Can convert ONE STUFF into TOXIC WASTE for free each DAY.

HOVER LEGS (lvl 1) - Levitate a little.

SURGING SQUIGGLY TAIL (lvl 2) - Can carry some STUFF. Sometimes DORA will be more effective at an ACTION.


Ended up in construction.


BUCKET HEAD (lvl 1) - Can carry a lot of STUFF.

LONG BODY (lvl 1) - Can stretch even longer.

HANDY ARMS (lvl 1) - Useful for handling all sorts of STUFF.

BASIC LEGS - They're OK.

CRACKLING TWIG WAND TAIL (lvl ?) - Zap it to make STUFF bloom. It has a chance of a very powerful zap that exhausts ANCIENT POWER. Eating TOXIC WASTE might recharge it. It has a chance of zapping at random.

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Quests by Arhra

Questden: Dungeoneer | Bloom | Nanogoo | Questroid | Tri Hard | Crash Recovery

Collaborations: A Menagerie of Miniscule Quests | /Quest/'s Perfect OC