A Collection of Very Brief Quests

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A Collection of Very Brief Quests by IdiomApollo et al.

An aptly named rapid-fire adventure in the the spirit of A Series of Extremely Short Quests.

Predominately run by Idiom Alpha and Apollo, with cameos by Brom and Arhra.

Save The Princess!

Quest: A dragon has kidnapped a stick princess in a non-descript tower! What WILL the brave knight do?! Result: Knight marries dragon. Checkmate. Notes: RELEASE THE ZOMBIES! Next. -kome

Elf Society Is Harsh

Quest: How will the elven damsel deal with her ugly BALDNESS?! Result: Elf wore fresh moss as a wig. All other elves think this is gross but pay tribute out of fear of the moss-apocalypse. Notes: Slay a dwarf, glue his magnificent beard to your head. -Yomiel

Sir Elton John and the Endless Tiny Dancer

Quest: Sir Elton John is stuck in a loop of constant "Tiny Dancer" encores. This is the 650th day he has wanted to unleash his new masterpiece. What IS this new masterpiece?! Result: Sir Elton John sold his soul to the devil. The masterpiece turned his piano into a pipe organ and summoned a flesh-eating demon to kill the audience. Notes: There is only one option. REMIX! -EveryZig

Blind Date Side A

Quest: Girl has a blind date with a Tentacle Monster. How WILL she respond?! Result: Girl is victorious in date by seductively slurping her tentacle-shaped pasta. Sex ensues. Notes: well I for one find anything with one eyeball hot as hell; Roll to seduce -Brom

Blind Date Side B

Quest: Tentacle Monster has a blind date with a girl... but what will they wear?! Result: They wore an eyepatch - the date was a disaster, as there was no date because the Tentacle Monster tripped into a garbage bin. Notes: That sweater your grand hive mother knitted for you last harvest season. -KingMomo

(Did Not) Save the Princess! Part 2

Quest: Knight needs to get his Dragon wife a birthday present. What WILL he get her?! Result: Knight has sex with his wife until they make a baby. She broke his hip in the process. Notes: A nude statue of himself. -Idiom Alpha

The Eternal Catgirl Plight

Quest: A recently transformed catgirl is socially ostracized due to her alien appearance and online help from doctors is refused because they think she's a FURRY! What is a young catgirl to DO?! Result: Catgirl decides to become professional heister, successfully robs banks with high profile assaults due to refuge in audacity preventing anyone from legally describing her. Notes: TWO WORDS: FIGHT CRIME -SiverFayte

It's a... something.

Quest: Some girl just gave birth to something! But what IS it?! Result: 11th dimensional being! L O O K U P O N M E A N D D E S P A I R M O R T A L S ! The herald of the apocalypse has been born. Notes: ...literal, adult bear! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! -Idiom Alpha

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Quests by Idiom Alpha

/tg/: Fifty Fifty: A Quest of Chances | You Can't Fuck The Princess! Quest

/qst/: The Adventures of Gloom and Scorn | Shadow Play

TGchan: A Star Fell Burning | Abacus | Zind | Imagine | Think | Wizard Quest | Rainy Day | Imprisoned Adventures | Wilted | Casualty Quest | Nort | Wandering Stars | Jester Quest Go | Cursed | The Metamyriad | Memoriam | Last of the Messengers | Me and My Psychosis | Possession Quest | Surviving Hogwarts | Servant's Quest | Honorable Conflicts Only! | There for the Lost | The Full Ride | The Polite Young Lady's Guide to Committing High Treason | Isekai Americana

Collaborations: Art Quest | The TGchan Caravan | Heat Sync | A Collection of Very Brief Quests | Apollo's Drunken Drunk Quest | A Menagerie of Miniscule Quests

Quests by Apollo

TGchan: Rollback | Red Giant | Vagrant | Vehement

Collaborations: Heat Sync | Rescue Quest | A Collection of Very Brief Quests | Apollo's Drunken Drunk Quest | The Dungeon of Eternal Torment | A Menagerie of Miniscule Quests

Finished: The Wizard Hat | Grocery Store | Do not push | Turritopsis dohrnii | Treasure | Do Not Look | Monsters in the Night | 1001 Knights | Gone Clubbin' | Build a Robot Boyfriend | Catch! | Super Secret Illuminati Quest

Dead: Half-Way There | Whispers | Panty Ray