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Breaking Reality by DreamerOfThings

A quest in which a woman named Linda McCallahan gets the ability to tell Reality to screw off. She quickly teams up with a side in the conflict over how to use these powers, and is generally hoping she'll get the chance to actually learn more about what's going on without dying.

The Cast

Linda McCallahan

The Protagonist of our story. She's a little inexperienced at the whole "breaking reality" thing, but she's seems to be picking up the tricks of the trade pretty quickly. She has a scar on her stomach from an incident involving a crazed gunman and exploding gas tanks, and the event left her sterile due to an injury to her abdomen. Linda has a very high alcohol tolerance, but when she does get drunk, events of epic proportions take place, from crashing into a wedding and sleeping with the bride to taking on whole gangs in the name of justice. Linda, after literally ripping apart time itself, has come to be nonexistent, reality refusing to recognize her existence. The full effects of this have yet to be seen.

Stats: Strength-3 / Finesse-14 / Will-6
BP Limit:35
Manifestation: Weapon Type

Barrett M82, w/ Modified X-Ray Scope [BP Cost: 2] (10 shots)
Alternate Ammo: Homing [BP Cost: 1]
(2) Baretta M9 [BP Cost: 1] (15 shots each)
Freeze Gun [BP Cost: 2] (30 seconds)
Fires a beam that rapidly cools targets, and results in the formation of ice. Concentrated fire may cause a target to shatter.
Alternate fire mode: can fire a cartoon ice effect, freezing targets in place instantly, but incapable of killing anyone or shattering anything.
Twin Ring [BP Cost: 5]
Creates an exact copy of the user, including current clothing, equipment and weapons. Does not have its own BP pool, and cannot break reality or anything like it. Has the skill levels of Linda from before she became breaker, except for Finesse, which is at 9. Follows directions as literally as possible, and has almost no ability to adapt to situations. Has a limited mental link to Linda. ???
Nerve Suit [BP Cost: 3]
Equips a skintight suit made of woven together nerve tissue in an anime style transformation sequence. Replaces any current clothing worn, and allows the wearer to operate the Godkiller Mech. The watch form also conveniently displays time, date, temperature and the general direction the mech is in, as well as having a few inoperative functions.
Drain Shotgun [BP Cost: 1] (1 Shot)
The Doc's experimental anti-breaking tubes, now integrated into an actual weapon. The first barrel fires a shell that disrupts breaking, the second absorbs energy from a disrupted target and produces a vial of 'blue potion' for later extraction. These modifications to the double barreled shotgun have reduced its effective range to a mere 5 to 10 feet.

Spirit Abilities:

Remember The Fallen
Someone Else
Break Generation
Battlefield Instinct
Break Sight
Active Break
Death Avoidance

XP: 6

Theme Song: Gurren Lagaan Theme

Inventory: (available, not all on her person at once)

Tuned foci: 12.7×99mm, 9mm, capsule of liquid nitrogen, twin ring, wrist watch, anti-breaking shotgun shell
Awakened foci:     Remembrance of Cally, Remembrance of Raphael
Untuned foci: small black ball (makes holes), small stone-ball, cane top, 4 unspecified foci, last resort remnant
Mundane: flashlight, laptop, satchel, earpiece comm, holster (x2), mecha anime DVDs, body armor, x-ray glasses, blue potion


Cassandra Geld

(aka "Chainsaw" and "Cass")

The first ally gained by our protagonist. She seems to be fairly calm and collected, and a little stand-offish, at least until the killing starts. Then she goes a little murder crazy. She has professed to hating herself for the way she is, a berserker killing machine. She also seems to have some trouble with technology, although she can seemingly operate a phone perfectly fine, a DVD player proves more... difficult. She has an insanely low tolerance for alcohol, getting drunk off of literally 2 beers.

Stats: Strength-20 / Finesse-10 / Will-3
BP Limit: 41
Manifestation: Weapon Type

Chainsaw [BP Cost: 4]
Lightened, Strengthened, Longer. Now comes equipped with a flamethrower, which jets out a short-range burst of flame. Requires 10 seconds of revving to recharge.

Spirit Abilities:

Forceful Break
Weapon: Environment
Active Break
Death Avoidance

XP: 4

Theme Song: Rise Against- Injection



The second ally to join. He follows Linda out of a strange mix of interest and friendship. While he somewhat of a joker, he also tries very hard to make himself useful, mostly out of fear that others will hate or abandon him. Raphael is an albino, and while the only affect to his appearance is his white hair and red eyes, he is still very sensitive to sunlight. Still, he'll serve willingly no matter what, and is perhaps one of the few form type breakers serving in the group.

Stats: Strength-7 / Finesse-3 / Will-6
Spirit: 4
BP Limit: 29
Manifestation: Form Type

Nightmare [BP Cost: 5]
Form Ability, allows Raphael wander the dreamtime, an artificial realm of dreams and nightmares. Considered ethereal. Can also induce waking nightmares and pure fear in victims that are awake. Has been modified to allow him to take the forms of other people's nightmares and fears.
Known Fears:
That Which is Unknowable (Elizabeth)
Giant Spider (Linda)
Death (Morpheus)
That Which Cannot be Cut (Subject 23)
Nightmare Horse (Raphael)

Spirit Abilities:

Weight Null
Warped Reality
Warped Minds
Death Avoidance

Theme Song: Avenged Sevenfold- Nightmare

Elizabeth McCallahan

(formerly Elizabeth Baker)

A 17 year old girl who joined mostly because her abilities have sort of guided her to Linda. She identifies Linda as the "Angel", and while she's distrustful of Cass, she understands that Linda considers her a friend, and treats her mostly with indifference. She has somewhat of a childlike personality, preferring to refer to people by nicknames, and when she isn't being her insanely serious oracle self, she can generally be found spacing out, staring at walls, or otherwise not really being completely lucid. She has absolutely zero combat abilities, as she hates combat, but she has an astounding level of support skills, even from her first focus.

Stats: Strength-1 / Finesse-2 / Will-10
Spirit: 6
BP Limit: 35
Manifestation: Weapon Type

Oracle Eye [BP Cost: 3]
Support Weapon, Elizabeth can "see" small amounts into the future, granting her knowledge as to the MOST LIKELY outcome of an action. She can also "see" the properties and traits of a foci, although this doesn't always work. She also has the unique ability to "see" the true fabric of reality while her foci is manifested, Normality Cloak and other means of blocking detection are negated when conflicting with her eye. Unlike other manifestations, she can't keep her foci active for long, due to the high amount of strain it places on herself as well as reality. She can either activate her eye to perform one of the two first abilities, or for up to 5 minutes for the third ability. The eye also passively grants her automatic access to Break Sight and Spirit sight, even when not manifested.
Control Wire [BP Cost: 2 per Wire] (Up to 10 wires)
A weapon that grants direct control of an opponent, as long as you succeed a will check against the opponent. Essentially, Elizabeth may give orders to those she's "dominated", moving them like puppets to her will. The wires only work if they are attached at the back of the neck with a small needle, however. If the wires are broken, control is returned to the person. Due to Elizabeth's increasing control over the weave, she can now "connect" to others using the control wires by attaching said wires directly to a person's threads. All other rules still apply. She can only control up to five people in this way at any one time, or if using a combination of the two methods, each wire connected in this way uses up two wires worth of concentration.

Spirit Abilities:

Thread Manipulation
Forceful Break
View the Weave
Fear Itself
Active Break
Warped Minds
Break Sight
Spirit Sight
Death Avoidance


Theme Song: Paprika- A Drop Filled With Memories

Nicole Reed

Joined the group after hearing about Cass and Linda's skill in combat. She's taken an interest in Raphael, and has joined up with Linda's "squad" to get closer to the man. She seems to have a fear of people who are on fire, and is an impatient person when it comes to fights, but is highly skilled at taking down opponents quickly. Because she doesn't utilize a weapon of any kind, she has the almost unique capability to take down normal opponents without killing them. This makes her invaluable in missions where Normals need to be avoided or removed from the picture without deaths.

Stats: Strength-15 / Finesse-6 / Will-4
Spirit: 5
BP Limit: 26
Manifestation: Weapon Type

Fingerless Fighting Gloves [BP Cost: 3]
Multiplies the amount of force applied to a target when punched. Can charge the force gathered by one glove into the other, multiplying the force farther than normal.
Fighter's Greaves [BP Cost: 3]
A pair of greaves Nicole received from Linda as a gift for being so helpful. The greaves function as the opposite of Nicole's gloves. While the gloves allow the Nicole to become an unstoppable force, the greaves utilize force to become an immovable object. Both together means that she can become either a perfect defensive or offensive weapon.

Spirit Abilities:

Avatar of Force
Weapon: Environment
Forceful Break
Active Break
Death Avoidance

XP: 0

Christin Wayneright

(formerly "Subject 23" and Makoto Muramasa)

Brainwashed, tortured, and broken, she served Division 7- a secret government agency that deals with breakers. Now serves Linda. A swordswoman of absurd agility. Easily dodged or cut through everything we could throw at her. Capable of running horizontally along walls.

Stats: Strength-3 / Finesse-15 / Will-2
Spirit: 7
BP Limit: 47
Manifestation: Weapon type

Muramasa [BP Cost: 7]
A katana capable of cutting through metal, concrete, and giant nightmarish demons with little to no effort.

Spirit Abilities:

Normality Blanket
Normality Cloak
Instant Movement
Finesse Focus
Warped Minds
Death Avoidance


Theme Song: Yoshida Brothers - By This River

Michelle Crowley

(aka "Lilith")

A reluctant (though regular) combatant Linda encountered in the Sun City arena. Her focus takes the form of a small snake plushie, which transforms into the giant Leviathan when manifested. When "Levi" is not manifested, her number appears on the doll (it reverts back to floating by her when he is). He is apparently able to communicate with her even in plushie-form. Leviathan remembers the events of the time shift, and has chosen to aid Linda in thanks for returning him to his proper place with Michelle.

Stats: Strength-1 / Finesse-2 / Will-3
Spirit: 6
BP Limit: 53
Manifestation: Avatar Type

Leviathan [BP Cost: 11]     Stats: Strength-17 / Finesse-5 / Will-12
Giant biblical sea serpent, with teeth as large as a man is tall. Still plenty deadly on land, though. Eats people. This hunger is what drives Michelle to fight in the arena, despite her reluctance. Purportedly a major demon, with a gateway to hell in his stomach.
Sudden Appearance
Behemoth [BP Cost: Unknown]     Stats: Strength-15 / Finesse-3 / Will-14
Leviathan's new brother, sort of a giant mix between wolf and bull. When not manifested, his focus takes the form of a cuddly looking doll of a demonic beast sent to walk across the earth scouring all life from existence. You know. Normal demon stuff.
Flames of Hell

Spirit Abilities:

Break Generation
Beloved By Avatars
Unbroken Will
Warped Reality
Warped Minds
Death Avoidance

XP: 9

Aria Galliana

A mysterious, polite woman Linda met in the sewers. Capable of some impressive high level breaking, and independent of all known factions. Knew Marc Conner before she became a breaker. Gave Linda a gem to summon her if she notices anything "odd", especially concerning her Boss, in exchange for aid, if she should need it. A possible lifeline if Marc is hiding some deep, dark, secret. Since Marc's death, she has returned to join Linda's faction.

Stats: Strength-2 / Finesse-10 / Will-10
Spirit: 8
BP Limit: 78
Manifestation: Avatar Type

Golem [BP Cost: 10]     Stats: Strength-10 / Finesse-7 / Will-10
A massive hollow armored suit. The thing says nothing and desires to say nothing, only moving at the directions of its Queen or automatically moving to safeguard her from harm.
Sudden Appearance (1)
Self-Repair (3)
Guardian (3)
Durable (2)

Spirit Abilities:

Limit Break
Normality Cloak
Forceful Break
A Dance for Two
Finesse Focus
Active Break
Death Avoidance

XP: 6

Rise Muramasa

Chris' younger sister, freed from division 7. She appeared in search of her sibling, and while somewhat distressed by what she finds, joined Linda's group in order to be closer to her. She came bearing a disk full of compromising information stolen from division 7. She's followed by Sidhe, an apparently indepentent avatar she seems to have befriended.

Stats: Strength-3 / Finesse-9 / Will-6
Spirit: 4
BP Limit: 44
Manifestation: Weapon Type

Muramasa [BP cost: unknown]
A nodachi painstakingly cared for. Like her sister's, it is usually kept at her side, although the weapon itself is just about the same height standing as Rise herself. The weapons is sharper than could be natural and lighter than it's form dictates.

Spirit Abilities:

Finesse Focus
Normality Cloak
Death Avoidance

XP: 3


A mischievous fairy with a taste for vicious pranks. Somehow, she seems to have become her own person, and blurs the line between breaker and avatar. The full extent of her condition has yet to be seen. Though an independent entity, without a breaker to answer to, she's befriended Rise, often following her around. Unfortunately, this often leaves Rise in the unenviable position of trying to keep Sidhe's capricious nature in check.

Stats: Will-10
Spirit: 4
BP Limit: 38
Manifestation: ???
Spirit Abilities:

Bond of the Soul
Whispering Wind
Circle of Protection
Shield Burst
Death Avoidance


The protagonist of the Woven Dreams arc. A mercenary and former bodyguard from Nicole's past who finds himself in the employ of a familiar frustrating and cryptic girl with mismatched eyes. At "Lizzy's" instance, he reluctantly finds himself drawn into an investigation of unexplained disappearances.

Stats: Str-5 / Finesse-5 / Will-5
Spirit: 6
BP Limit: 50
Manifestation: Form Type

Draugr [BP Cost: Unknown]
An undead of Norse origin. Numerous stories grant them all manner of strange powers, but in this case, it simply makes Revenant incredibly strong and highly resistant to death. Grants: Str-15, Undeath trait, Regeneration Trait
Wraith [BP Cost: Unknown]
Ghostly undead known to terrorize humans, draining them of life and bringing various other calamities. While in this form, Revenant's attacks are all based on Will. Can't speak. Grants: Will-15, Incorporeal Trait, Undead Trait

Spirit Abilities:

Active Break
Spreading Undeath
Unbroken Will
Warped Reality
Warped Minds
Death Avoidance

The Alternates

The cast of the Awakening side story.


The other Protagonist of our story. He's living out a hotel in central, having recently graduate college. He only ever left home in the first place to get away from his broken family, that had fallen apart after the death of his brother. A brother who has just reappeared.

Stats: Strength-1 / Finesse-2 / Will-5
Spirit: 4
BP Limit: 20
Manifestation: Avatar Type

Brother [BP cost: 1]     Stats: Strength-5 / Finesse-5 / Will-3
Guy's brother, back from the dead. Sort of.
Sudden Appearance (1)
Speech (1)
Human-like (1)
Sidhe [BP cost: 1]     Stats: Will-6
A mischievous fairy who deals in barrier magic and vicious pranks.
Circle of Protection
Shield Burst

Spirit Abilities:

Fear Itself
Active Break
Death Avoidance

XP: 0

Inventory: (available, not all on his person at once)
Tuned foci: Avatar
Untuned foci: 5 unspecified weapon types
Mundane: cell phone, fake ID, $1000 cash, key, handgun and holster

Jager Martin

A man Guy encounters shortly after becoming a breaker, outnumbered and fighting a gang. He makes his living as a mercenary, and is kind of morbid.

Stats: Strength-7 / Finesse-3 / Will-2
Spirit: 3
BP Limit: 17
Manifestation: Weapon Type

Zweihander [BP Cost: 1]
Tomahawk [BP Cost: 1]

Spirit Abilities:

Warped Minds
Active Break
Death Avoidance


Alilira "Lira" Zenoto

A wheelchair bound hacker, who works with Jager. Doesn't care for her last name.

Stats: Strength-1 / Finesse-3 / Will-4
Spirit: 3
BP Limit: 14
Manifestation: (presumed) Weapon Type

Hacking Suite [BP Cost: Unknown]
Lira's wheelchair shifts and warps, anchoring itself to the ground and automatically connecting itself to ALL available networks in the area. It provides superior hacking capability, however, Lira is vulnerable while "deployed" as she can't move her chair, and has to remain focused on her hacking attempts to remain connected. Hacking attempts are based off of Lira's Will AND Finesse scores, depending on her chosen actions.

Spirit Abilities:

Warped Minds
Death Avoidance

Rise Muramasa

Chris' younger sister, labelled subject 31, and somewhat more resistant to Division 7's mental enslavement techniques. She's stuck with Guy in gratitude for releasing her from a D7 cell. After the events of the side story, Rise has managed to find her way into the main story. Her current stats can be found here.


Non-party members we have stats for. As these people are not under direct or indirect player control (or are outright enemies!) this information may be outdated, incomplete, or speculative, and is complied (by players) from spoilers and combat experience.

Trevor Ferguson


A member of the fixer faction. Showed up with his brother on the morning Linda woke up broken, and tried to recruit her. Unfortunately for him, Linda went with Cass, and his brother ended up dead. He's come back for revenge, with better stats. His focus takes the form of an ethereal pet wolf that follows him around.

Stats: Strength-? / Finesse-? / Will-?
Spirit: ?
BP Limit: at least 23
Manifestation: Form Type

Giant Wolf [BP Cost: 1]
Werewolf [BP Cost: 2]

Spirit Abilities:

Death Avoidance

Marc “The Boss” Conner


The man in charge of the free spirits faction Linda and her allies belong to. He comes across as a personable pragmatist; his organization seems mostly concerned with their own survival, independence and influence, and offering that same protection to new breakers. Disapproves of harming normals. All in all, seems a good guy. (Provided he doesn't have a secret evil agenda, of course!). Smokes. He doesn't like people to ask about the creepy doll, though...

Stats: Strength-1 / Finesse-2 / Will-8
Spirit: 7
BP Limit: 54
Manifestation: Avatar Type

“Amelia” Kill Doll [BP Cost: 10]     Stats: Strength-5 / Finesse-3
A life sized female doll. "When he gets angry an wakes her up, she kills. Everyone and everytin. Ya wouldn't stand a chance. Aint seen no one survive yet. Just don't get him mad, and ya'll be fine." -Mac.
Speech (1)
Self-Repair (3)
Break Channel (2)
Sudden Appearance (2)

Spirit Abilities:

Active Break
Warped Minds
Break Sight
Fear Itself
Death Avoidance


"Damned breakers. You all deserve to die."
Fixer, Assault Section Leader. Her philosophy is pretty self explanatory. High finesse build, consistently pulls off high difficulty shots. Can dodge bullets, at close range, with relative ease. Thankfully, her weapon couldn't hurt Raphael's golem form. Swore to hunt down and kill Linda and co. Wants Elizabeth alive (presumably to use her abilities to hunt down other breakers).

Stats: crazy high finesse
Spirit: at least 4
BP Limit: at least 38
Manifestation: Weapon Type

(2) Revolver [BP Cost: Unknown] (6 shots each)
Shotgun [BP Cost: Unknown]

Spirit Abilities

Evasion* (Modified)
Does not have Active Break
Death Avoidance

Sonia "Blades"

A mercenary, hired by an unknown businessman to cause trouble for Linda's faction. The first breaker we've encountered fortunate enough to have actual, preexisting training and/or skill with the weapon(s) reality saw fit to bestow upon her (which really makes a difference!). Unusual in that she tried to negotiate a her way out combat- even after the shooting started.

Stats: unknown. Likely a finesse-strength build.
Spirit: unknown
BP Limit: at least 23
Manifestation: Weapon type

Cruciform Swords [BP Cost: unknown]
A life sized crucifix that morphs into a set of four blades (two swords, a greatsword, and dagger).

Spirit Abilities:

Death Avoidance* (Modified)


Spirit Abilities

Special powers and abilities gained as one's ability to break reality grows. These abilities are granted according to the following pattern:

  • Death Avoidance and Manifest are granted automatically at spirit 1.
  • Common Powers (spirit 2, 3, 4, 7, 8) are selected from an available pool that increases as spirit grows and prerequisites are unlocked.
  • Semi-unique Powers (spirit 4, 9) tend to be focused on a single stat (one either thematically appropriate, or that a character focuses on) and are either offensive or defensive in nature.
  • Personal Powers (spirit 5, 10) are unique to a given breaker. They may be active (usually costing 5BP a use) or passive, and offensive, defensive or utility in nature.

Please note that the growth pattern, level requirements, and even prerequisites are only rough guidelines, not immutable laws. Breakers are by their very nature rule breakers, and there are exceptions. It is even possible to gain (or alter) a spirit ability by means other than leveling up!

Ability Spirit Prerequisites Description
Death Avoidance 1 automatic Anytime you would normally be killed (like getting shot in the head) will be negated as Reality warps to defend you. This only activates if you have a break point to spend, however, so don't go getting yourself killed on a regular basis.
Manifest 1 automatic Allows a breaker to turn on or otherwise activate a focus. The effect varies from focus to focus. For weapon types, this generally means pulling a weapon out of thin air. For form types, it means a transformation. For avatar types, waking up their avatar. (General guidelines only- there are exceptions and unusual manifestations).
unknown ability 1 A modified version of death avoidance that drastically reduces or removes the respawn delay. Notably used by Sonia.
Break Sight ≥ 2 One will be able to "see" peoples' remaining Break Points (including your own), although this doesn't tell you the max number they can have, or how they can use it. The number is usually seen floating over a person, although position can vary.
Normality ≥ 2 By expending a Break Point, the world around you is convinced of normalcy. People will forget the massive gun duel that just took place above their heads, the random people who died will be erased from existence itself. Everything will be made... normal.
Warped Minds ≥ 2 "Normal" people will generally notice if you're toting around a massive gun. With this, they'll just ignore you. After all, if it isn't normal, obviously it's not real, right?
Active Break ≥ 2 Normally, breaking reality during say, combat, is relatively more difficult to do than if you have the time to concentrate on things. With Active Break, you don't suffer the normal penalties to ripping reality apart with your will while in combat or other stressful situations.
Spirit Sight ≥ 3 Break Sight You can now spot the Spirit of a target as well as the Break Points, allowing you a better estimate of your opponents' abilities. Unlike break sight you have to focus on a person to "see" their Spirit level, and the result is an abstract optical illusion that shows a person's power level, instead of a definite number.
Normality Cloak ≥ 3 Normality You passively cloak yourself from the Sights of others, letting you appear as normal to even other Reality Breakers. They still have a chance to see you based on their Spirit vs yours.
Warped Reality ≥ 3 Warped Minds Reality will move itself even further to keep people from noticing you're not supposed to do that. Even battles you participate in will be ignored by Normals, unless they specifically are dragged into it. Furthermore, reality can and will warp to make things easier for you to reach a goal, such as doors mysteriously unlocking themselves, or a camera glitching at just the right time.
Forceful Break ≥ 3 Active Break Bullies reality into allowing breaks that would normally be beyond a person's reach. Roll twice with Spirit and combine the successes of both rolls to determine success.
Weapon: Environment 4 Strength / Offensive Everything around you is a weapon to be used. EVERYTHING! In addition, all attacks against another person use the Strength stat for purposes of hitting the target, unless Strength cannot be a factor for hitting (such as guns or bows).
Weight Null 4 Strength / Defensive Nullifies the weight of things (cars, big boulders, etc) for the purposes of carrying and throwing. This allows objects that normally could not be moved very quickly or effectively to be handled with ease.
Finesse Focus 4 Finesse / Offensive Replaces the use of Strength for physical attacks with Finesse. Doesn't work if the weapon being used is intended for the brute strength method (ie- warhammers, shields, claymores, etc).
Evasion 4 Finesse / Defensive Passively makes all evasive actions better, reducing the number of successful dice needed to dodge. If an attack lands anyway, another roll is made to see if the attack is reduced in severity, from death to critical damage, critical damage to moderate damage, and so on. The reduction in severity doesn't work for all weapons, such as Linda's rifle, as it doesn't matter where the weapon hits for it to cause fatal damage.
Fear Itself 4 Will / Offensive One's will is forced upon the other, causing fear to run through those who are talking to you. The way this ability manifests is different from person to person. In Elizabeth's case, for example, she uses her knowledge of the future and her somewhat disconcerting personality to freak people out.
Unbroken Will 4 Will / Defensive You are impossible to mind control, whether because your mind is too slippery to grasp, or something else provides that protection. Either way, anyone attempting to control your mind is met only with failure.
unknown ability 4 A modified version of evasion, notably used by Maria. The roll for damage reduction when hit has been replaced. Instead, as long as she makes at least one success on a finesse roll to dodge, the dodge turns itself into a roll into cover while she still takes the hit. Even when taking fatal damage.
Battlefield Instinct 5 Personal Power: Linda For Linda, the battlefield has quickly taught her more about fighting than anything else, particularly in regards to the need to hit multiple targets at once. As long as Linda has a gun in her hand, she can expend 5BP to instantly unload the entire clip of whatever weapon(s) she has into any number of visible targets without any recoil or delay. This does not reload a weapon, however, every hit does count as a death.
Beloved 5 Personal Power: Marc Allows damage or harm directed at a breaker to be displaced to his or her avatar(s).
Bloody Massacre 5 Depreciated Personal Power: Cass Nothing will stand in Cass' rage filled path. Upon getting killed for the first time, or seeing an ally get killed, Cass enters a combat rage, which causes her strength to increase another 5 points. This rage, however, eats away at her BP, and when it runs out, she loses the rage and falls unconscious.
Aegis 5 Personal Power: Cass (Replaced Bloody Massacre) The ability increases Cass' defensive ability to uncanny levels. Things that normally she would be incapable of blocking or deflecting are defeated with ease while the ability is active, but she loses BP over time in accordance with the number and strength of the attacks she's blocking. This only works against attacks capable of being blocked by her.
View the Weave 5 Personal Power: Elizabeth Elizabeth allows others to see through her eyes, and see what she sees. This extends to the weave as well, granting certain characters the chance to work with the weave as well. Costs 5BP for an hour of viewing.
Rail-Cannon 5 Personal Power: Nicole Nicole charges the force in her entire body, then releases in a single burst, shooting herself off like a railgun. While the ability is active, she is immune to damage she would take from colliding with objects, and can punch through almost anything. Costs 5BP to activate.
Avatar of Force Rail-Cannon, Fighter's Greaves Rail Cannon has evolved to Avatar of Force, allowing Nicole to launch herself as in Rail Cannon or "catch" force and redirect it as she pleases. Utilizing the ability still requires it's original cost for either function, however, entering her Immovable Object form lasts for roughly thirty seconds, and she must stay rooted in place to continue functioning.
Instant Movement 5 Personal Power: Chris BP Cost: 5 preforms a short ranged "jump" to a nearby location.
Beloved by Avatars 5 Personal Power: Michelle Michelle has the odd trait in that avatars tuned to her automatically adore her, and will do everything in their power to protect her. As a bonus, any avatars she possesses are passively made better, increasing their stats beyond what they would normally be.
A Dance for Two 5 Personal Power: Aria Aria has, thanks to her odd form of fighting, gained the ability to enhance her own abilities, as well as those of her partner, when fighting in tandem with anyone. Anyone who pairs up with her gains this benefit, but it only activates for her and one other person fighting with her.
Tempo Shift 5 Personal Power: Cally Cally, and by extension, Rave Linda, can shift the speed of an action however she pleases. This shift occurs immediately, like the sudden change of beats in a techno song, and can occur to any object the user desires. What was once a slow attack becomes a blur of plasma, while a lightning fast assault from the enemy becomes a slow, easily avoided performance. Costs 3BP per use.
Spreading Undeath 5 Personal Power: Revenant Allows Revenant to produce lesser forms of whatever undead he is capable of turning into, whether by directly "infecting" those he kills, or by "calling" them into existence through BP. Either way, these lesser undead follow his directions to the best of their mindless ability. Current Options: Zombies, Ghosts
Normality Blanket ≥ 6 Normality Cloak By concentrating, the user cloaks those around them in normality, granting them the same effects as Normality Cloak. This applies to all those considered ally within a ten foot radius. Costs 1 Break point to maintain for 5 minutes, as well as concentration limiting actions to movement and speech.
unknown ability ≥ 6 Warped Reality The third ability in the Warped tree.
Limit Break ≥ 6 Forceful Break Forcing reality to further allow your will to shape it, you now roll three times your spirit and add the number of successes together when attempting to break. Furthermore, you may select five "breaks" or your choice. These breaks always succeed if they are cosmetic or targeting an object that cannot resist, and are more difficult to resist if targeting something that can resist.
Break Generation ≥ 6 Increases Break Point regeneration rate from 1 BP per hour to [your current Spirit level] per hour.
Nonexistent unknown As long as you have this trait, anyone who is not a breaker who meets you will inevitably forget you exist. Even Breakers, given enough time, will forget you exist, except for those that spend a considerable amount of time in your presence.
Someone Else Nonexistent You can place your own existence over someone else's temporarily taking their position in reality. Essentially, reality recognizes you as that person for a limited time. 1BP per hour of assumed identity.
Remember the Fallen Someone Else Any fallen breaker leaves behind in their foci a piece of themselves, a shard of their essence and being. As part of being someone else, Linda may now utilize that essence and temporarily take on aspects of the fallen. She still retains her all physical stats, Spirit levels and BP levels, but loses access to her own foci in exchange for wielding the power of others.
Thread Manipulation Elizabeth, having been under the tutelage of some very powerful Watchers, has begun to understand how to manipulate the threads of reality more directly. This allows her to easily force situations to go her way, however, doing so has its own dangers. Use her new found power carefully, too much change to a thing can cause often unpredictable and dangers repercussions.

Avatar Abilities

Abilities and powers granted to avatars. Unlike a breaker's spirit abilities, avatar abilities are purchased with XP, in the same manner as modifications and improvements for weapon and form manifestations. These abilities can be divided into three types:

  • Universal Abilities can be applied to any avatar. They tend to be cosmetic or utilitarian in purpose, instead of combat effective. These usually cost 1 XP to purchase, and will not increase manifestation costs.
  • Thematic abilities are those that fall in line with a theme specific to each avatar. These abilities usually cost 2 XP, unless they are particularly powerful or have special conditions applied to them.
  • Non-thematic abilities are those that are combat applicable, but don't follow whatever theme the avatar itself has. These tend to be very expensive, at a base of 5 XP, since you are essentially breaking the mold of your own mind and weapon. Purchasing these abilities, however, has no actual adverse properties on a person's mind.

Note that what may be a non-thematic ability for one avatar may be thematic for another.

Ability Type BP Cost Description
Speech Universal Grants an avatar the ability to speak aloud. Note that this ability is not necessary for an avatar to speak with his or her breaker, and that some avatars may have access to alternative means of communication. A second level in speech will make the avatar's spoken voice match exactly what their breaker thinks it should sound like.
Human-like Universal The first level of Human-like would make the avatar pass casual inspection, although anything in depth would still reveal it's oddity. Further levels increase the human-like properties of the avatar, although it will always run the risk of being discovered to be a doll. Three levels total, each increasing the difficulty for others to notice it.
Repair Universal 1 Activated by the breaker, in exchange for a brief interval of concentration, repairs damage to the avatar. Costs 2XP to purchase.
Break Channel Universal 1 Allows an avatar to channel breaks through itself. In essence, it can substitute itself to represent a breaker.
Devour Thematic: Leviathin 5 Opens mouth impossibly wide and sucks everything nearby into oblivion.
Siphon Thematic: Leviathin 2 Drains multiple BP from a targeted enemy and adds it to Levi's master's pool. Capable of fatally bypassing death avoidance. Purchased for and used by Leviathin once, to devastating effect, in a rebooted timeline.
Flames of Hell Thematic: Behemoth 5 Behemoth smashes it's fists into the earth, causing the ground to quake before bursts of unholy fire explode from the earth, consuming enemies in a torrent of flame. This ability will actively target only enemies.
Self-Repair Non-thematic 1 An upgraded version of repair, allowing an avatar to repair damage itself.
Sudden Appearance Non-thematic (thematic for Guy's Brother) Level 1 only allows one sudden appearance at the beginning of a fight. Purchasing a second level allows for more aggressive tele-spam tactics.
Guardian unknown The Avatar gains a bonus to the applicable stat whenever acting in defense of its master, equal to the cost needed to purchase Guardian. More XP can be added to buff this trait even more.
Durable unknown Increases the strength of the material that the Avatar is made of.
Circle of Protection Thematic: Sidhe Sidhe places a spherical, protective shield of up to 10 feet in diameter around herself. This shield halts attacks made against her, and prevents people she doesn't desire entering from entering. The strength of the shield is dependent upon her will stat.
Shield Burst Thematic: Sidhe Sidhe can cause her shield to "burst", sending a wave of force outwards around her. If close enough to an opponent, she can use it to "strike" them with variable force dependent on the size and strength of the shield used. Other applications of this burst might reveal themselves if her Circle ability is upgraded.
Prank Thematic: Sidhe Sidhe can "cause" things to happen. While not powerful on its, this ability can be used to help level the playing field somewhat. The issue, however, is that Sidhe herself must find whatever prank is being pulled to be amusing, and that usually means someone has to get hurt in the process.
Whispering Wind Thematic: Sidhe Allows Sidhe to project sounds across vast distances. She mainly uses it to attract people into her traps.
Bond of the Soul Thematic: Sidhe unknown

Quests by DreamerOfThings

TGchan: Demon's Rage | Desmona's Quest | Breaking Reality | Song of Demons | Beyond the Stars | Honor of Thieves